Rutland Winter Fest

Rutland Winter Fest

Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 at 10:00am

Various Venues in Rutland


10:00 AM - Take a stroll and enjoy a self-guided storywalk through downtown Rutland!
Walk along downtown Rutland and read a story in merchant  windows! Pick up a map and worksheet at Phoenix Books Rutland, where one lucky winner will get a gift card.

Location: Phoenix Books Rutland

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM - All-Recovery Meeting
A welcoming recovery space honoring all pathways to recovery, co-hosted by Rutland County Pride and the Turning Point Center of Rutland. This non-denominational meeting offers support for individuals in recovery and their allies. Certified Peer Recovery Specialists will facilitate the discussion.
Location: Rutland County Pride Center

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Center Street Night Sledding
Location: Downtown Rutland

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