Serial Bowl

Friday, Mar 7, 2025 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Fine Arts Building, 3700 Alumni Drive
  General Admission: USD 20.00


Anchorage's Episodic One Act Festival returns!

Writers from around the world have written one act episodes for us to enjoy. Watch the show, then VOTE on which scripts should return for future episodes. It is the one election this year where your vote not only matters, but where all the candidates are worth your attention.

Come see Serial Bowl in the Jerry Harper Studio at the UAA Arts Building at 3700 Alumni Drive on the UAA Campus. Shows start at 7:00 PM

Episode 1: Oct 11-12

Episode 2: Jan 17-18

Episode 3: Mar 7-8

Tickets available online at or take your chances and buy them at the door.

Exercise your Franchise and VOTE!

Midnight Sun Theatre is excited to join with our new Serial Bowl Sponsor, Lang and Associates: Professional Land Surveyors!

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