Spring Festival of Children's Literature

Join us for our 42nd Spring Festival of Children's Literature


10 AM: R. Margaret Hamilton Children’s Hour Oge Mora Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall, LUC
5:15 PM: Registration & Book Sales LUC
5:30 PM: Alumni Networking Hour/Reception Light Appetizers/Open Bar (Beer, Wine, Soda) Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall, LUC
6:30 PM: Opening: Dr. Boyce Williams Dean, FSU College of Education and Health & Natural Sciences Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall, LUC
Betty R. Roemmelmeyer Advocate Award Presentation
6:45 PM: Presentation: Laura Gehl Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall, LUC
7:30 PM: Break
7:45 PM: Presentation: Oge Mora Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall, LUC
8:30 PM:Reception, Book Sales, Open Autographing, Silent Auction Browsing


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