The Baldwin Wallace Bach Festival

The Baldwin Wallace Bach Festival

Friday, Apr 11, 2025 at 10:00am


The Baldwin Wallace 2025 Bach Festival

Schedule of Events

10 a.m.-Noon: Open House - Riemenschneider Bach Institute, Room 160, Boesel Musical Arts Center

Stop by to see some of the vault's priceless treasures. We will be featuring first editions of "Messiah" and two Handel operas; a recently acquired, very rare program for the Concerts of Ancient Music, at which Handel's music was featured in 18th-century London; early editions of Bach motets; and scores for Bach's organ preludes. We will also have a selection of programs from 93 years of BW Bach Festivals to peruse.

1-2:30 p.m. - Master Class - Kadel Family Vocal Music Hall, Boesel Musical Arts Center
Featuring Joseph Hubbard, baritone.

2:45-3:15 p.m. - Interlude: BW Broadway Band - Lobby, Boesel Musical Arts Center
Come join Baldwin Wallace's Broadway Band, founded by Nicholas Stanick '27 and Reese Clements '27, as they showcase Broadway's rich musical history while providing students with opportunities in music direction, vocal performance, pit orchestra, and more.

3:30-4:45 p.m. - RBI Student Scholar Presentation
"Riemenschneider, Exoticism, and Crocodiles, Oh My!" - Lindsay-Crossman Chapel
Featuring Kiersten Hopko '26, lecturer
This talk explores the relationship between Albert Riemenschneider and organ composer Roy Spaulding Stoughton, who wrote in an innovative style influenced by the Exoticism fashionable at the time.

6:15 p.m. - Festival Brass - Marting Hall Lawn & Tower
This annual tradition is a crowd favorite. BW Brass students play the music of J.S. Bach and his contemporaries from the iconic Marting Tower.

7 p.m. - Bach Motets ($) - Gamble Auditorium, Kulas Musical Arts Building
Johann Sebastian Bach's ageless cello suites are interspersed with some of his most intricate music. The single line of the cello suites creates an incredible foil for the densely contrapuntal Motets.

Presented by BWV: Cleveland's Bach Choir and members of the BW community, this is an incredible evening of music, simple and complex, sad and joyous.

8:30 p.m. - Post-Concert Reception - Gamble Lobby, Kulas Musical Arts Building
Hosted by the Friends of the Conservatory.

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