The Red Wine 5K On Easter

The Red Wine 5K On Easter

Saturday, Apr 19, 2025 at 8:30am


Runners and walkers are invited join us at Wings Etc. in Palm Harbor on Easter Saturday, April 19, 2025, for wine food fitness Check in opens at 7:45 a.m. and we run at 8:30 a.m. on the fully paved Pinellas Trail which is stroller and family friendly.

We hope that you will join us either once or as often as you can. These races fill extremely quickly so please register early. You transfer for a very minimal fee if you cannot make it and need to reschedule based on “life happens.” Wings Etc. is located off US Alternate 19 in Palm Harbor at 3419 Alt. US 19, Palm Harbor FL 34683.

This event is open to runners and walkers of all ages and levels of ability and take place entirely on the fully paved Pinellas trail in Palm Harbor from Wings Etc. so we are stroller friendly but please no pets for this venue.

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