The Walker Lecture - Revolutionary Design: Modern Architecture in New England

Wednesday, Mar 19, 2025 at 7:30pm


Jane Oneail

Revolutionary Design: Modern Architecture in New England

New England is known for its history and its traditions, but it is also home to some daring and inventive modern designs from some of the world's leading architects. How do giants in the field like Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Louis Kahn, Philip Johnson and Maya Lin combine the expected and the familiar with the innovative and experimental? This program introduces audiences to each architect and walks them through their notable works in New England. Image: Louis Kahn. Class of 1945 Library, Phillips Exeter Academy, 1972.

Georgia O'Keeffe: Beyond the Blossoms

Flower painting has long been the realm of women artists, so it is not surprising that Georgia O'Keeffe is best known for her revolutionary floral still lifes. Of course, in her eight-decade-long career, O'Keeffe explored a variety of subjects, including the skyscrapers of NYC and the deserts of New Mexico. This program will shine a light on other subjects and examine the ways O'Keeffe employed abstraction to become known as the “Mother of American modernism.” Image: Georgia O'Keeffe. Blue and Green Music, 1921. Art Institute of Chicago

No tickets or reservations required.

Time: 7:30 PM (Doors open at 7:00)

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