Vineyard to Vintner

Vineyard to Vintner

Friday, Apr 25, 2025 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Various Venues at Napa, CA

An iconic American appellation. Legendary history. Vibrant future. Distinctive cabernet. Napa's neighborhood for world class wines. The weekend shares the best we have for an unparalleled experience. Owners and winemakers. Historic wineries,  glorious vineyards and billowing Palisades.

Hosting throughout the weekend:
Baldacci Family Vineyards, Chimney Rock Winery, Cliff Lede Vineyards, Ilsley Vineyards, Lindstrom Wines, Malk Family Vineyards, Pine Ridge Vineyards, Quixote Winery, Regusci Winery, Shafer Vineyards, Silverado Vineyards, Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, Stags' Leap Winery, Taylor Family Vineyards.

Schedule of Events

6:30 - 9:30pm: Wine and Dine with the Vintners

An intimate evening of raising glasses and breaking bread. Choose among three compelling fêtes of wine, food and festivity. Venue hosts: Baldacci Vineyards, Chimney Rock Winery and Stags' Leap Winery.

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