
105th Annual Heath Fair

Arts and Entertainment

July 25, 2023

From: Heath Fair

Schedule of Events:

Friday, August 18, 2023

5 - 8 pm - Exhibit Hall

5 - 9 pm - Lower Food Booth

5 - 8 pm - Upper Food Booth

5 - 10 pm - Beer Garden

5:30 pm - Music: The Uncles

5:30 pm - Church Ladies Ham and Bean Supper

5:30 pm - Antique Tractor Parade

6 pm - Antique Tractor Pull

6:30 pm - Bingo

7 pm - Music: Ward Hayden & the Outliers

7:30 - 11 pm: Square Dance: Fall Town String Band with Doug Wilkins, caller

8:15 pm - Drawing for Free Bicycle

Nightfall -- FIREWORKS!!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

8 am - 9 pm:  Lower Food Booth

8 am - 8 pm:  Upper Food Booth

10 am - 8 pm:  Exhibit Hall

Noon - 9 pm: Beer Garden

9 am - Rabbit Show

10 am - Lawn Tractor Pull

11 am - Kids‘ Games

11 am - Horse Draw

11 am - Music: The Trouble Sisters

11 am - Speaker: 4H Presentations by Hawlemont 4H Youth

11 am - Adult and Youth Sheep Show

11 am - Adult Cattle Show

12 Noon - Heath Firefighters Assoc. Chicken BBQ

12 Noon - Demonstration: Sheep Shearing with Kevin Ford

1 - 4 pm: Wagon Rides

12:45 pm - Demonstration: Chainsaw Mill

1 pm - Music: Wild Bill and the Flying Sparks

1 pm - Kids’ Games

1 pm - Cow Plop Bingo

2 pm - Demonstration: Scything by Larry Bruffee

3 pm - Speaker: Mushroom Farming under Solar Panels, Kyle Nartowicz

3:30 pm - Music: Eddie Forman Orchestra

4:30 pm - Speaker: Backyard Chickens Roundtable with Jessica O’Neill

5 pm - Truck Pull

7 pm - Music: Fever

Sunday, August 20, 2023

8 am - 4 pm:  Lower Food Booth

8 am - 4 pm: Upper Food Booth

8 am -  5K Fun Run Start

8 am - Obstacle Challenge Race and Gymkhana

9 am - Church Service

9 am - Ox Draw

10 am - 4 pm: Exhibit Hall

10 am - ADGA Sanctioned Senior and Junior Doe Goat Shows

10 am - Poultry Judging

10:30 am - Cruise In

10:30 am - Music: Slide Grinders

11 am - Youth Cattle Show

11 am - Gymkhana

11 am - Demonstration: Chainsaw Mill

12 Noon - 4 pm: Beer Garden

12 Noon - Music: Rosie Porter and the Neon Moons

12 Noon - Line up for the Parade

1 pm - Parade: “Our Pollinating Partners”

1:30 - 3:30 pm: Wagon Rides

2 pm - Music: The Klines

2 pm - Speaker:  Backyard remedies - Sweet Birch Herbals

2:30 pm - Demonstration: Chainsaw Mill

4 pm - Demonstration: Birds of Prey  with Tom Ricardi

4 - 5 pm: Exhibit Hall Entries Pick Up

Fair Dates: August 18 - 20, 2023

Fair Hours:

Friday, 5:00pm to 11:00pm
Saturday, 8:00am to 10:00pm
Sundy, 8:00am to 5:00pm


Heath Fairgrounds,
9 Hosmer Road,
Heath, MA 01346.

Click Here for more information.