
10th Annual Baltimore International Black Film Festival

Arts and Entertainment

September 26, 2023

From: Baltimore International Black Film Festival

With its unique paring of films highlighting the experiences of African American, the African Diaspora and members of the Same Gender Loving â?? Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (SGL-LGBT) community, the Baltimore International Black Film Festival (BIBFF) serves a much-needed purpose of providing a venue for independent films for, by and about African Americans, the African Diaspora and members the SGL-LGBT community locally, nationally and globally. The 10th Annual BIBFF will be on held October 5-9, 2023, online and at venues in the City of Baltimore.


October 5, 2023

4:50 pm: Youth Film Festival: Rear, My Little Caregiver, Remedial, Shark Week, Sunu Thiossane

Location: Pride Center of Maryland - 2418 Saint Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218

9:50 pm: OPENING NIGHT FILMS: Short: Hopeless / Feature: Padre Project

Location: Online Live Screenings

October 6, 2023

3:20 pm: LONG STORY SHORTS: 3 Blind Mice, In The Bubble With Jaime, The Mystery of the Freeway Phantom / FEATURE: Razing Liberty Square

Location: Online Live Screenings

5:50 pm: BMORE SHOWCASE: Day 6 / Holiday Hit

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

7:50 pm: REEL UNITY PAIR: A Little Chilli / Let The Church Say

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

October 7, 2023

10:10 am: BLACK MEN UNIFYING BLACK MEN SHORTS: The Black Mr. Rodgers, Momma, Joe Barry Carroll, Erlkönig, Man Pants: A Game of Chance

Location: Arch Social Club - 2426 Pennsylvania Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217

12:50 pm: BLM SHORTS: Finding Us, AT ALL COSTS, The Conscious Subconscious of A Black American, The Kalunga Line, Are We Still / Feature: The Carnival: 125 Years of the Penn Relays

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

3:20 pm: BOKEH SHORTS: Mutual Feelings, 15 Minutes, In My Garden, Jahleel & Star

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

6:50 pm: SGL SHORTS: Wonders, Final Sale, Eating Papaw on the Seashore, 7 Minutes of Heaven?, Flamingos on the Field, DogFriend (Hundefreund)

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

8:50 pm: REEL UNITY PAIR: Interception: Jayne Kennedy - American Sportscaster / Wrestled Away: The Lee Kemp Story

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

October 8, 2023

10:10 am: DIASPORA SHORTS: The Molt, Partly Cloudy & Hot, Ampe: Leap into the Sky, Black Girl, The Anniversary / FEATURE: Finding Freedom on The Sixteen

Location: Online Live Screenings

12:50 pm: DMV SHORTS: Black Icarus, Do You Trust Me?, The Legacy of Lee's Flower Shop, Outside Line / For All Have Sinned

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

3:20 pm: HOSANNA SHORTS: Finding Ubuntu, Pretty Boy, Things That Remain, Wolf and Cub / Feature: HUSH

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

5:50 pm: BMORE SHORTS: Amor, The Ballad of Mecca Graves, Gas Money, Homecoming, Just A Kid From Baltimore / Feature: Black America Is...

Location: SNF Parkway Theatre - 5 West North Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201

October 5-8, 2023

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