
2023 Baker County Fair and Rodeo

Arts and Entertainment

August 16, 2023

From: Baker County Fair and Rodeo

Schedule of Events:

Friday, September 1, 2023

3:30-7:30 pm - Grounds & Exhibit Hall open to receive exhibits

5:00-8:00 pm - Livestock weigh-in and registration at Hells Canyon Arena

Saturday, September 2, 2023

7:00-10:00 am - Safeway Sponsored Cowboy Breakfast @ Cook Shack

7:30-10:00 am - Exhibit Hall accepting exhibits

8:00 am - Exhibitor Meeting in the Pavilion

8:15 am - Ring 1:  Swine conformation
followed by sheep conformation (no sooner than 11:30 am)
followed by beef conformation (no sooner than 1:30 pm)

Ring 2: dairy cattle/goat conformation followed by showmanship

10:00 am to 3:00 pm - Exhibit Hall Closed for Judging

10:00 am - Jackpot Team Roping

1:00 pm - Halfway Fair Court registration @ ticket office info call Katy Thomas, 541-805-9682.

3:00-7:00 pm - Exhibit Hall Open

2:00-6:00 pm - Live Music, featuring FRANK CARLSON, on the Midway Stage

5:00 pm - Team Pack Horse Race ~ All the exciting action will be in the Rodeo Arena. For information call Rob & Chris Stacey - 541-540-2256

6:00 pm - Pre-Rodeo Events (Bucking Ponies & Mutton Bustin')

7:00 pm - ICA Sponsored ~ RODEO
Mule races during the rodeo

9:00 pm - Midnight  -  Youth Dance at Pine Valley Grange Hall on PV Fairgrounds
(music by DJ Colleen)

After the Rodeo
- Adult Cowboy Dance featuring Scott Wilson
- Cowboy Food & Adult Beverages

Sunday, September 3, 2023    

7:00-10:00 am - Let'R Buck Breakfast   Halfway Lions Hall

8:00 am - 6:00 pm - Exhibit Hall Open

8:00 am - Exhibitor Meeting in the Pavilion

8:15 am - Ring 1: Swine showmanship classes
followed by sheep showmanship (no sooner than 11:30 AM)
followed by beef showmanship (no sooner than 1:30 PM)

Ring 2: Small animal (rabbit, poultry and cavy) conformation & showmanship

9:00 am - Cowboy Church on Midway Stage

2:00-6:00 pm  - Live Music, featuring FRANK CARLSON, on the Midway Stage

4:00 pm - Pie & Buckle Auction on the Midway Stage

5:00 pm - Grand Champion Round Robin Showmanship in Pavilion will follow the Livestock Showmanship. (We will need to be done in time for the rodeo.)

6:00 pm - Pre-Rodeo Events (Bucking Ponies & Mutton Bustin')

7:00 pm - ICA Sponsored ~ RODEO - Tough Enough to Wear PINK
Mule races during the rodeo

9:00 pm - Midnight - Youth Dance at Pine Valley Grange Hall on PV Fairgrounds

After the Rodeo  - Adult Cowboy Dance featuring Hwy 82 Band
- Cowboy Food & Adult Beverages

Monday, September 4, 2023

7:00-10:00 am - Let'R Buck Breakfast - Halfway Lions Hall

8:00 am - 3:00 pm  - Exhibit Hall Open

9:00 am - Queen's Bruncheon, Fairgrounds on the lawn, open to all visiting and past royalty
RSVP Katy Thomas 541-805-9682 by Friday, September 1, 2023

8:00 am  Coffee & Donuts for Livestock Auction Buyers

8:30 am - Livestock Awards Presentation

9:00 am - JR Livestock Auction Everyone Welcome!
(Livestock bidders, please go to the JR Auction page for bidder signup)

11:30 am - Parade Line Up at Halfway Elementary School

12:30 pm - Fair Parade down Main Street

1:30 pm - Pre-Rodeo Events (Bucking Ponies & Mutton Bustin')

2:30 pm - ICA Sponsored ~ RODEO       Veterans - Free Admission
Mule races during the rodeo
3:00-4:30 pm - Exhibit Hall exhibits must be picked up

Fair Date: September 2 - 4, 2023

Location: Baker County Fairgrounds - 140 Fairgrounds Road Halfway, OR 97834

Click here for more information.