
34th Annual Salmon Ruins Winter Arts and Crafts Fair

Arts and Entertainment

October 31, 2023

From: Salmon Ruins Winter Arts and Crafts Fair

This year is our 34th Annual event at the McGee Park Office Building, and will take place on Saturday. We have 96 vendors and expect a high turnout of shoppers, with hot food in the kitchen provided by the Northwest New Mexico Bowling Association as their own annual fund raiser!  Entrance is $1, a direct donation to the Salmon Ruins Museum, and securing you a chance for a door prize from one of the vendors. The McGee Park Office Building is used annually for the San Juan County Fair (the room for sewing, painting and other crafts on display) and is located behind the Sun Ray Casino and parking area.

Date: December 2, 2023

Time: 9:00am to 10:00am

Location: McGee Park, 41 County Road 5568, Farmington, NM 87401

Cost: $1

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