
35th Annual Sand Springs Herbal Affair and Festival

Arts and Entertainment

March 14, 2024

From: Herbal Affair And Festival

Plans are underway for the Sand Springs Herbal Affair in downtown Sand Springs.

Shop the many vendors on hand who will be offering herbs, perennials, natives and heirloom plants and more. Here you can find unique arts & crafts, herbal products, gardening supplies & décor while enjoying LIVE music and great food!

Parking? Try riding the FREE shuttle service (8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.) by parking at Charles Page High School (500 N. Adams Road) and enjoy the short ride into our historic downtown Triangle District! You can buy products in the event and carry them with you on the shuttle. Other parking is on-street near downtown.

Remember, for ALL vendors you must fall into one of these four (4) categories:

Grower/Producer Vendor - farmer/ rancher/gardener that grows/raises 100% of the fruit, vegetable, herb, nut, grain, meat, fiber, dairy, egg, honey, plants and flowers on their own farm.

Prepared Food Vendor - a licensed, prepared food handler who prepares 100% of the food items they sell. Food trucks do NOT fall into this category (see Food Truck Vendor below).

Craft Vendor - a crafts person who produces the finished craft items (such as body care, pottery, candles, baskets, garden related items, etc.) they sell. Direct sales companies such as Amway, Avon, Arbonne, Scentsy, etc. to not meet this criterion.

Food Truck Vendor - Commercial food trucks, selling food on-site. Most need to be self-contained power; water and any waste.

As a downtown festival, spaces are always in demand and typically become sold out. Each "booth" is a 10' x 10' bare curb space within the roadway. Vendors can request from 1 to up to 3 (10' x 30') consecutive booth spaces. We will try to accommodate each request, but space can be limited!

Date and Time:
Saturday, April 20th, 2024 from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm

Downtown Sand Springs,
Sand Springs, OK 74063.

Click here for More Information