Arts and Entertainment
June 23, 2023
From: Old Fashioned 4th Of July CelebrationSchedule:
July 2, 2023
10:30 a.m.: Community Worship at Westerman Park
The lennox area ministerial associaton community worship in the park,bring lawn chair.
In case of inclement weather,held at high shcool.
1:00 p.m.: Tractor Pull-4H Fair Grounds.
July 3, 2023
6 p.m.: Burnout Contest
Sign in 4.30-6 p.m. / Burnout
N0 ENTRY FEE! Trophies Awarded!
Cruise Night
Open too everyone!
Great family fun; come cruise
Main Street Lennox.
6 p.m.-1 a.m :Lennox Street Dance
Join us this year for Weston Frank.
JULY 4,2023
8 a.m.: Lennox Firecracker Fun Run — Races include 10K,5K & 1-mile race.
10:30 a.m.: Parade
Lino-up at the Sinning Sports Complex on tho corner of HWY17 & HWY 44.
Arts in the Park
12 -5 p.m.: Craft & food vendors at Westerman Park.
1:30 -4 p.m.: Live Music
In the Park.
Little Miss Lennox Pageant
1 p.m.: In the Park.
Kiddy Pedal Pull
2 p.m.: In the Park.
Lennox Museum
9 a.m.: 2 p.m.: Open closed during the parade,
Located at 3rd & Main Admission free.
Car - Truck - Motorcycle - Tractor Show
Registration: 9 - Noon ,Show: Noon -3 , Registration: $20 Day of Show Location: Hwy 44 V2 mite west of Hwy 17 (Old Football Field)
TROPHIES 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD IN each class.
Outdoor Band Concert
8 p.m.: At the hand shell, Lennox Municipal Band.
Following the Band Concert enjoy a free firework show at dusk •Firework shotoff from tho High School Parking lot.
Date: July 2-4, 2023
Location: Various venues in Lennox,SD.
Click Here For More Information.