Arts and Entertainment
March 4, 2025
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is upon us! Loving Mountain City is collecting donations of CANDY & SMALL TOYS/BOOKS for the unique Easter Egg Hunt right here in Mountain City! Please drop off any donations at 201 Live Oak Drive, Mountain City (front porch) before APRIL 11. You are also welcome to order and have them shipped directly to 201 Live Oak Dr ... walmart, HEB, amazon... we will accept it all!
We have a few thousand eggs to stuff ... BRING ON THE CANDY AND TOYS!! Please consider contributing ASAP because our egg stuffers have a lot of work ahead of them over the next three weeks to prepare for your little hunters.
Remember - this egg hunt includes a PRIZE BOOTH so your donations don't necessarily have to fit into an egg. That's the fun of it! The kids open all of their eggs onsite and pull out the paper tags and head to the prize booth. From there they get to pick from the respective prize bin, including the CRAFT BIN, READING BIN and more!
**Each age group is in its own section/area. Each area has ONE GOLDEN EGG! Whoever finds the GOLDEN EGG will win the age prize basket donated by Beth and Everett Smith! Special thanks to the Smiths for donating the prize baskets!!
10am: Infant - 3 years old
10:15am: 4 - 7 years old
10:30am: 8 - 11 years old