Arts and Entertainment
December 28, 2024
From: Annual High School Organ Festival And CompetitionKenan Associate Professor of Organ Timothy Olsen, the UNCSA & Salem College Organ Studio, and the Piedmont NC Chapter of the American Guild of Organists invite you to the 2025 North Carolina Middle and High School Organ Festival & Competition.
The competition will take place on Saturday, Feb. 1. Workshops, lectures and master classes will occur on Friday, Jan. 31 and Sunday, Feb. 2.
In addition to participating in the Competition, guest middle and high school organists will be able to meet other organists their age from around the country, tour the UNCSA & Salem College organ facilities, hear UNCSA keyboard faculty and students perform in recital, participate in workshops, masterclasses, lessons, as well as build a small functioning pipe organ!
Schedule of Events:
January 31, 2025
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Elberson Fine Arts Center, Salem College
Practice time for each competitor (Intermediate Division – Shirley Recital Hall; Advanced Division – Hanes Auditorium)
At various times throughout the day – workshops for all competitors, including Efficient Practice Habits, Introduction to the Harpsichord, and participants will build a fully functioning pipe organ!
Dinner on own
7:30 p.m.
Shirley Recital Hall, Elberson Fine Arts Center, Salem College
Recital by Dr. Olsen, organ, and Dr. Barbara Lister-Sink, piano
February 1, 2025
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Elberson Fine Arts Center, Salem College
Competition, including warm-up times (Intermediate Division – Shirley Recital Hall; Advanced Division – Hanes Auditorium)
4 p.m. tent.
Elberson Fine Arts Center, Salem College
Winners Recital and Prizes Presentation
6 p.m. Festival Dinner for participants and guests
UNCSA Campus, SAAB 306
7:30 p.m.
Crawford Hall, Gray Building, UNCSA
Recital by UNCSA/Salem College Organ Students, followed by Open Console on C.B. Fisk, Op. 75
February 2, 2025
8:30-10:30 a.m.
Crawford Hall, UNCSA
Available 30-minute individual lesson times with Dr. Olsen (optional)
10:30 a.m.
Crawford Hall, UNCSA
Workshop: Playing Hymns—Inspiring Congregations to Sing
12 p.m.
Location TBD
Boxed lunch - provided for student participants
12:30 p.m.
Crawford Hall, UNCSA
Workshop: Accompanying 101—Playing with Others
1:30 p.m.
Crawford Hall, UNCSA
Masterclass with Dr. Olsen
3 p.m.
Crawford Hall, UNCSA
Available 30-minute individual lesson times with Dr. Olsen (optional)
Date: January 31 - February 2, 2025
Location: Various Venues in Winston Salem NC USA