
Auburn Chamber of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - May 15, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

May 16, 2023

From: Auburn Chamber of Commerce

This Week at the Auburn Chamber

It's that special time of year when the beautiful sunshine reminds us that summer is coming! School children are starting to wind down their school year, the flip flops and shorts are coming out of storage, and we're starting to map out how our summers will look. One of the tools you can use for this project is the community calendar on the Auburn Chamber website.


Using this link you can access the calendar to see what's going on. You may also use it to add events that you're working on. This is another great tool that the Auburn Chamber of Commerce makes available!

Speaking of great Chamber tools, have you heard about Chamber 101? Chamber 101 is a great learning tool to explore all that the Chamber has to offer. Even if you've been a Chamber member for years, I can guarantee that you will take something new away from your Chamber 101 experience. We're growing, developing and getting better all the time and Chamber 101 will help you stay abreast of all the tools and opportunities the Chamber has to offer. 


The only catch is that you must be a Chamber member to attend. Not to worry. If you aren't a member already, we'd love for you to join.


If you have a business or are simply an interested community member, we have a place for you! If you think you're interested in joining and want to talk about it, send me an email (peggy@ropersjewelers.com). I'd love to tell you all about the magic we make at The Auburn Chamber of Commerce!

Peggy Seitzinger

Auburn Chamber of Commerce President, Roper's Jewelers Co-Owner

Community Calendar

Event Submission

Upcoming Chamber Events

Meddlers Chamber Forum - Tuesday, 7:00am

Meddlers also known as the Chamber Forum is a great way to learn about what's happening in the greater Auburn Area. Also known as an Auburn Town Hall, it is a great place to meet new leaders and learn from those leading.
Meddlers is a hybrid between in person and zoom.
5/16/23 - Peggy Seitzinger, President Auburn Chamber of Commerce

Date: May 16th, 2023
Time: 7:00am
Location: ZOOM, or
City Hall in room 10, on the 2nd floor.


Upcoming Speakers:

5/23/23 - Natalie Litchfield, IFC Investments - Market Update
5/30/23 - Sean Rabe, Auburn City Manager

Chamber 101 - May 17th
Whether you are a brand new member, a current member who wants to be updated, or a new employee to a current member you are invited to attend the FREE Auburn Chamber 101.
Learn about all aspects of the Chamber from networking events, member benefits and ways to promote your business!


Chamber Monthly Evening Mixer - May 18th

Join the Auburn Chamber of Commerce and the New Auburn Cemetery for a FREE evening of networking with other business professionals. Bring a raffle prize and have an opportunity to talk about your business in front of the group.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
1040 Collins Drive
Auburn, CA 95603, USA


Vantage Financial

Welcome Vantage Financial to the Auburn Chamber of Commerce!

Vantage Financial is relationship based financial management and has been in business in Auburn for over 14 years right off the freeway on Maple Street.

They help clients find perspective from a local point of view. For any financial or investing needs, go take advantage of Vantage Financial!

Fast Fridays Season Opener

Congratulations to Fast Fridays on the season opener! This family fun filled event has been roaring every Friday all summer long for 28 years!

Don't miss the action and adrenaline on the speedway!

Upcoming Community Events

Auburn Spring Home Show - May 19-21

Join us for the Auburn Spring Home Show at the beautiful Gold Country Fairgrounds.

With hundreds of exhibits from beautiful landscaped vignettes ready to inspire you to exhibitors offering everything for your home and garden needs, to crafty items just ready to take home with you, you are sure to enjoy your show experience.

A variety of tasty food items can be found at the International Food Court. Temp yourself with mouthwatering Garlic fries, Fried Seafood, addictive tacos, and much more. Smoothies, wine or beer round out your meal.

See you at the show!

Gold Country Fairgrounds and Event Center, Sierra Building 1273 High Street Auburn, CA 95603

Yoga in the Armed Forces Pavilion Garden - May 18th

Yoga in the Armed Forces Pavilion Garden 995 Lincoln Way, Auburn. Free weekly Yoga event for as long as we have good weather.

Thursdays from 8:45am - 10:00am

Old Town Co-Op: Wild West- May 18th


Charity Golf Tournament- Auburn Host Lions May 19th
Don't miss the Auburn Host Lions 28th annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Hosted at Turkey Creek Golf Course on May 19, 2023. Donate to a good cause and come join in on the fun.

Swing "Fore" a Cause Fundraiser for Veterans - May 19th
Join us for our 3rd annual charity golf tournament to sponsor mental health services for veterans! All profits will go directly toward serving veterans.
Win a brand-new Subaru in our Hole-in-One contest sponsored by Gold Rush Subaru in Auburn.

Food, Art, Music Festival - June 10th

FAM, Food, Art and Music Festival! Auburn’s first “FAM FEST “ downbeats summertime with a sizzling showcase of Auburn art galleries, top music talent, & local delicious food!
Date and time
Saturday, June 10 · 3pm - 7pm
Auburn Garden Theater 350 Nevada Street Auburn, CA 95603