Arts and Entertainment
February 12, 2024
From: Austin Spring Tango FestivalSchedule:
Friday, March 22
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Ariadna And Fernando
Technique - All Levels
For followers and leaders - the functionality of the couple in the dance
Maria And Leandro
Milonga - Advanced
Fun giros for Milonga in double beat
Stephanie And Fausto
Tango - Intermediate
Dynamics of empujadas
4:30 pm 6:00 pm
Ariadna And Fernando
Tango - Advanced
Ganchos for followers and leaders
Maria And Leandro
Tango - Intermediate
Adornos for leaders And followers - add a touch of elegance to your dance: what, when And how to
Stephanie And Fausto
Connection - All Levels
Creation and interpretation of the guide from our point of view
7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Friday Spring Fling Milonga
Featuring a group performance by our Festival Maestros. DJ: Max Stasi
Saturday, March 23
10:30 am - 10:55 am
Tango Prep with PT Michelle Wald
Targeted stretches to wake up our tango bodies.
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Ariadna And Fernando
Tango - Intermediate
The secret of the turn - the structure and rhythm
Maria And Leandro
Tango - All Levels
Fantastic ochos - take your ochos to the next level to allow more possibilities for creativity
Stephanie And Fausto
Tango - Advanced
Complex turns in close embrace
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Ariadna And Fernando
Musicality - Advanced
Rhythmical combinations - how to use beats and phrases
Maria And Leandro
Tango - All Levels
Circular moves using calesitas - a fundamental move with many variations to spice up your dance
Stephanie And Fausto
Vals - Intermediate
Rhythmical combinations for Vals
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm
Tango Recovery with PT Michelle Wald
Targeted stretches for recovery to keep us dancing all night.
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Saturday Afternoon Delight Milonga
Traditional main room and alternative side room.
DJ: Tommy Smith (traditional) and Yelizaveta Nersesova (alternative)
7:30 pm - 12:00 am
Saturday Violet Crown Milonga
Featuring individual performances from our Festival Maestros.
DJ: Amanda DiGarli
12:30 am - 3:30 am
Saturday Late Night Speakeasy Milonga
Location: Scottish Rite Theater (15 to 20 minute walk) DJ: Vania Rey
Sunday March 24
1:15 - 2:45 pm
Ariadna And Fernando
Vals - Intermediate
The turn and change of the turn direction
Maria And Leandro
Tango - Advanced
Variaciones - What to do and what to avoid during variaciones for better interpretation
Stephanie And Fausto
Musicality - All Levels
How to recognize And interpret musical structure in tango, between rhythm, melody And pauses
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Milonga - All
Milonga challenge sequence with all Maestros building on each other
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sunday Quick Dip Milonga
In the side room
DJ: James Oh
7:00 pm - 1:00 am
Sunday Asado BBQ And Milonga
Asado: 7:00-8:30 pm
8:00 - 10:30 pm - Outdoor Alternative Dancing
DJ: Tommy Smith
8:00 - 1:00 am - Indoor Traditional Dancing
DJ: Chantel Forgues
Date: March 22-24, 2024
Location: The Mansion - 2312 San Gabriel St, Austin, Texas, 78705
Click Here For Registration
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