
Bethel Church And Ministries Weekly eBulletin - January 15, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

January 17, 2023

From: Bethel Church And Ministries

Good Morning, Bethel Church! 

We are excited to worship with you this morning as we continue The Uncommon Family series.

Not able to attend in person? That’s okay!

Join us live on our websiteYoutube, or Facebook

Join the online service

Submit Your Questions
Do you have questions about marriage or raising a family? Well, now’s the time to get them answered. During this month’s sermon series, The Uncommon Family, we are producing a few episodes of the Bethel Backstage vodcast that will continue the discussion on this topic. We can’t cover everything from the pulpit, so we hope you will submit any questions you have so we can provide biblical insight and direction. Click the link below to submit your questions anonymously and tune into Bethel’s YouTube channel @BethelChurchMinistries

Submit Questions Here

Winter Kickoff

Our core discipleship ministries are kicking off a new semester! Now is a great time to get connected to ministry and serving opportunities. We were created to be in community with one another so we can grow in our individual relationships with God and together grow in unity and maturity as a church (Ephesians 4:11-16). Our discipleship communities at Bethel are designed to create intentional relationships with those in similar stages of life. Find your community and register today using the links below, or stop by the tables in the Commons for more information.

Connect Through Groups

Connect Through Serving

Bethel Marriage Seminar

The Bethel Marriage Seminar is for couples who have been married for many years or who are just starting out, and whose marriage is healthy or struggling. You’re invited to join us as we discover how to be more intentional about investing in our marriage relationships. “No More Perfect Marriages” is a live teaching and interactive seminar presented by Mark and Jill Savage. Self-described as being married 35 years, 25 of them happily, the Savages learned many lessons while turning around their hurting relationship, and then committed to share what they learned with other couples. Topics include: Navigating Differences, The Slow Fades that are Pulling You Apart (Without you even knowing it!), The 8 God-Tools that Stop the Fades, and Strengthen Your Marriage. 

When: Friday, January 27, 7:00-9:00pm
Saturday, January 28, 8:30am-4:30pm
Where: Bethel Church, Crown Point Campus
Cost: $25 per couple
Food: Snacks provided; Saturday lunch will be on your own (many local restaurant options nearby)
No childcare at the event, but childcare scholarships are available.
Please register below by January 22.

Learn More

Women of the Word (“WOW”) is the discipleship ministry for women at Bethel. This weekly Bible study is offered in both the fall and spring to women who want to grow closer to God by studying the Bible. Our hope is that eventually, all women would find themselves in WOW, digging deep into God’s Word and doing life together with other women who love Jesus. We offer several options including mornings with childcare, evenings, Zoom, and independent study. This semester, we will be studying the book of Philippians. The cost for the study material is $20. To view session options and to register, click the link below.

Learn More

Annual Members Meeting

Our Annual Members Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 29 (meeting times by location listed below). We will be voting on the proposed 2023 budget and new Lead Elder candidate at this meeting. If you have any questions about this meeting, our 2023 budget, or concerns about any of the elder candidates, please let our leaders know.

Crown Point | Cedar Lake | Hobart/Portage:
Between services at approximately 10:10am 

Chinese Congregation:
Immediately after services

2023 budgets will be available Sunday, January 15 at each location at the Welcome Center.
If you have any questions about the 2023 budget, our leaders will be available Sunday, January 22 at the Crown Point campus in the Gathering Room at 10:30am. If you are unable to attend this meeting and have questions about the 2023 budget, you are welcome to contact the Finance Department at

Check out this article by Pastor Steve, featured in The Gospel Coalition: "Single vs. Married Pastors: Take It from a Guy Who's Been Both"

"Everyone’s marriage morphs into something they didn’t intend it to be. At some point, you need something sturdier than romance. You need something deeper than shared interests and mutual attraction. You need changed expectations, you need radical commitments, and, most importantly, you need grace." Check out this book by Paul David Tripp.