Arts and Entertainment
July 28, 2023
From: Centre County Grange FairExperience the wonder and excitement that is the Centre County Grange Fair every August. With a 149-year history, the fair is a home-away-from-home to families in 1,000 tents and 1,500 RVs. It is the only remaining tenting fair in the nation. Feel the magic, the charm, and the nostalgia. Best of all, be part of something extraordinary!
Schedule of Events:
Bartlebaugh Rides: Tenter/Camper Special: $10 daily wristband (open 5 PM - closing)
$89 weekly wristband for sale all week
Garbrick Rides: Tenter/Camper Special: $10 daily wristband (open 5 PM - Closing)
$89 weekly wristband for sale all week
Grange Fair Raffle Begins!
7 AM: Tenter Move-In Begins
9 AM - 6 PM: Enter Pre-Registered Exhibits - Grange Exhibit Buildings
1 PM: Overflow Camping Begins
2 - 3:30 PM: Bluebird Boxes by the Game Commission (for kids) - REC BUILDING
6 PM: Opening Ceremonies - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
6 - 8 PM: 2023 Glamping Tent Reveal hosted by Seven Mountains Media - GLAMPING TENT
6 - 8 PM: Grange Fair 5K Packet Pick-Up and Registration - GATE 2
7 PM: Junior Rabbit Show - JUDGING ARENA
9 PM: Vehicles must be removed from tenting & camping areas
Bartlebaugh Rides: $25 daily wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbrick Rides: $25 dally wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Judging of Tent Decorating Contest sponsored by Cooper Electric
9 AM: Health Walk sponsored by Mount Nittany Health - MEET AT GRANDSTAND
10 AM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring Heather McCloskey - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
10 AM - 4 PM: Free Skin Cancer Screening & information sponsored by Mount Nittany Health - BEHIND SPONSOR OF THE DAY TENT
11 AM: Junior Poultry Birdless Showmanship - POULTRY BARN
11 AM - 12:30 PM: Kids Karaoke & Dance with Stress Busters - REC BUILDING
11 AM, 12:30 & 2:30 PM: Heather Olson (Patsy Cline Tribute Artist & Country) - JUBILEE GROVE
12 & 1:30 PM: Brush Mountain Band (Bluegrass) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
1-9 PM: Tram Service available
2 PM: Junior Poultry Trivia - JUDGING ARENA
3:30 PM: 5-Day Bible Club - REC BUILDING
3:30 & 5 PM: Echoes (Classic Rock) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
4 & 5:30 PM: Kate Woodruff (Country, Soft Rock) - JUBILEE GROVE
4 PM: Grange Exhibit Buildings closed for judging and open at 4 PM - GRANGE EXHIBIT BUILDINGS
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
5 PM: Registrations Due for RV & Tent Decorating Contests - Theme: School Spirit - RV OFFICE & HEADQUARTERS
6 PM: Truck Pull (Gas & Diesel Trucks) - COMPETITION TRACK
6 PM: Animal Dressing Contest - JUDGING ARENA
6 - 7 PM: Family Line Dancing - REC BUILDING
8 PM: The Oak Ridge Boys - GRANDSTAND
August 19, 2023: FARM CREDIT DAY
Bartlebaugh Rides: $25 dairy wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbnck Rides: S25 daily wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
7:30 AM: Grange Fair 5K sponsored by Encompass Health (Registration begins at 6:30 AM) - GRANDSTAND
8 AM-4 PM: Open & AQHA Horse Show - EQUINE CENTER
8:30 AM: Junior Dairy Show - JUDGING ARENA
10 AM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring a Guest Chef to be Announced - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
10 AM: Farm Tractor Pull - COMPETITION TRACK
10 AM - 4 PM: Free Sight Screenings by Centre County Lions Foresight - WELLNESS COURT
11 AM - 2:30 PM: 4-H Robotics & Legos Demo and Activity Stations - REC BUILDING
11 AM - 9 PM: Tram Service available
12 & 2 PM: Brandi Naugle (Country & Gospel) - JUBILEE GROVE
1 -4 PM: Traffic Safety by Highway Safety Network: Impaired & Distracted Driving Simulation - GATE 2 BUILDING
2 & 3:30 PM: Quarterstick (Classic Rock) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
2:30 PM: Dairy Goat Show - JUDGING ARENA
3 - 4 PM: Sheep to Shawl Demo - REC BUILDING
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
6 PM: Meet the Animal: Swine - BETWEEN SWINE BARNS
6 PM: Tractor Pull (Hot Stock Tractors, Interstate Mini Rods & Classic Antique Tractors) - COMPETITION TRACK
7:30 PM: Barnyard Olympics sponsorsed by Bissinger's Apple Dumplings - JUDGING ARENA
8 PM: A Play Celebrating the Life of Vernon Garbrick, Inventor of the Collapsible and Portable Ferris Wheel - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
8 PM: Alex Miller and Huntergirl - GRANDSTAND
Bartlebaugh Rides: $25 daily wristband (open 1-4 PM & 5 PM-closing)
Garbrick Rides: Military Appreciation Day: 1/2 off daily wristband with Military ID (open 1-4 PM & 5 PM-closing)
8 AM: Cowboys for Christ Worship Service - EQUINE CENTER
8 AM - 3 PM: Open & AQHA Horse Show - EQUINE CENTER
9 AM: Church Services with Penns Valley Mens Chorus - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
9:45 AM: Sunday School Featuring Children's Puppet Show - REC BUILDING
10 AM: Garden Tractor Pull (Youth Pullers & Mod/Pro Stock Tractors) - COMPETITION TRACK
10 AM: Junior Breeding Beef Show - JUDGING ARENA
10 AM: Cornhole Tournament sponsored by Snyder's Concessions - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
11 AM: Junior Market Beef Show - JUDGING ARENA
11 AM - 9 PM: Tram Service available
12 & 2 PM: Flipside (Blues, Harmonica, Folk Guitar) - JUBILEE GROVE
1 PM: Smokey the Bear - PLAYGROUND
1 - 2 PM: Tie-Dye (Youth Only) - REC BUILDING
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
4 PM: Junior Sheep Show - JUDGING ARENA
4 & 5:30 PM: Tyler Calkins (Folk Rock) - JUBILEE GROVE
5 PM: Meet the Animal: Dairy - MILK HOUSE AREA
7 PM: Church Services - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
7:30 PM: Junior Market Dairy Beef Show - JUDGING ARENA
August 21, 2023: GRAYMONT DAY
KIDS DAY - Youth through High School age admitted FREE until 4 PM
Bartlebaugh Rides: Reduced Rates from 10 AM - 4 PM (open 10 AM - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbrick Rides: Reduced Rates from 10 AM - 4 PM (open 10 AM - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Judging of RV Decorating Contest sponsored by Nittany RV
8 AM: Junior Market Swine Show - JUDGING ARENA
9 AM: Walk with the Y - MEET AT HEADQUARTERS
9 AM: Horseshoe Pitching Contest (Qualifying Rounds) - HORSESHOE PITCH COURTS
9 AM-12 NOON: Centre County Residents' Walk/Trot Gaming Show - EQUINE CENTER
9:30 AM: Kids Relay Races - GRANDSTAND
10 AM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring Bill Sell trom Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
10 AM-2 PM: Temporary Tattoos by Make-A-Wish - PLAYGROUND
10 AM-3 PM: Kid's Day Activities - REC BUILDING
10 AM-3 PM: Child Seat Safety Check by Centre County Law Enforcement - SECURITY BUILDING (PULL CAR UP)
11 AM& 12:30 PM: Kenny & G. (Country) - JUBILEE GROVE
11 AM-9 PM: Tram Service available
12& 1:30 PM: Jeff Gibble Group (Classic & Modern Rock, Blues) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
1 - 2 PM: Centre County Residents' Show Costume Class - EQUINE CENTER
2 PM: Junior Market Goat Show - JUDGING ARENA
2:30 & 4:30 PM: Flipside (Blues, Harmonica, Folk Guitar) - JUBILEE GROVE
3 PM: The Spotted Lanternfly: What Homeowners Need to Know by Penn State Extension - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
4 PM: Meet the Animal: Beef - BEEF WASH AREA
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
5 PM: "Meet the Puppies" by Susquehanna Service Dogs & Eastern Star - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
6 - 9 PM: Centre County Residents' Rodeo Gaming Show - EQUINE CENTER
7 PM: Interstate Tractor Pull (Smoker/Modified Tractors, 4x4 Gas Pick-ups, Light Limiteds & 2WD Trucks) - COMPETITION TRACK
7 PM: Swine Showmanship - JUDGING ARENA
8 PM: Drake Milligan - GRANDSTAND
COLLEGIATE DAY - College students with college ID = 1/2 price dairy admission (parking rates still apply)
Bartlebaugh Rides: 1/2 price daily wristband with college ID (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbrick Rides: 1/2 price daily wristband with college ID or free t-shirt with purchase of daily wristband (Rides open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
8 AM - 4 PM: Centre County Residents' Open Show - EQUINE CENTER
8:30 AM: Open Dairy Show - JUDGING ARENA
9 AM: Youth Talent Show - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
9 AM: Horseshoe Pitching Contest (Finals) - HORSESHOE PITCH COURTS
9 AM: Walk with the Y - MEET AT HEADQUARTERS
10 AM: Pedal Tractor Pull - COMPETITION TRACK
10:30 AM: "All About Kit Winemaking" by Nittany Valley Hardware - GRANGE BUILDING
10:30 AM - 12 PM: Children's Face-Painting by Leah - REC BUILDING
11 am - 9 PM: Tram Service available
12 & 2 PM: Kick Trax (Classics, Rock & Roll) - JUBILEE GROVE
1 PM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring Ciara Semack from Blonde Bistro - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
1 - 2 PM: Youth Floral Design by A Flower Basket - REC BUILDING
2 PM: Meet the Animal: Sheep - SHEEP WASH AREA
3 PM: Junior Livestock Judging Contest - JUDGING ARENA
3:30 & 5 PM: Make Mine Country (Classic Country & Vintage Rock n' Roll) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
3:30 PM: 5-Day Bible Club - REC BUILDING
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
6 - 7 PM: Adult Floral Design by Rooted Farmstead - REC BUILDING
6:30 PM: Volunteer Opportunities and Ways To Make a Difference in the Community by Penn State Extension - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
7 PM: Side by Side Drag Racing hosted by Koi Drag Racing - COMPETITION TRACK
7 PM: Supreme Champion Showmanship Competition - JUDGING ARENA
8 PM: North Point Worship - GRANDSTAND
August 23, 2023: McDONALD'S DAY
Bartlebaugh Rides: $20 daily wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbrick Rides: Buy 1 daily wristband & get 1 FREE (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Motorsports Day & Car Show sponsored by Packer's Concessions Give-Away Registration Begins at 3 PM
Meet the Drivers from 6 - 7 PM
Give-Away Begins at 7 PM
9 AM: Open Sheep Show - JUDGING ARENA
9 AM: Walk with the Y - MEET AT HEADQUARTERS
10 AM: Little King & Queen Contest sponsored by Your First Page - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
10 AM [ Equine Fun for All Kids (Crafts & Games - No Horse Required) - EQUINE PAVILION
11 AM - 12 PM: Cookie Decorating - REC BUILDING
11 AM - 9 PM: Tram Service available
12 & 1:30 PM: Shanna Rae (Country, Pop, Folk) - JUBILEE GROVE
1 PM: Open Beef Show - JUDGING ARENA
1 PM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring Derek Polay from The Cakeshop by Tati - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
3 PM: "Canning & Freezing Homegrown Food" by Penn State Extension - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
3:30 PM: 5-Day Bible Club - REC BUILDING
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
4 PM: Meet the Animal: Goat - JUDGING ARENA
4:30 & 6 PM: Rapid Run (Classic Rock) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
6-7PM: Crafts - REC BUILDING
8 PM: Little Texas - GRANDSTAND
August 24, 2023: PA LOTTERY DAY
SENIOR CITIZENS DAY - Ages 62 and over admitted free! (parking rates still apply)
Bartlebaugh Rides: Buddy Day: Buy 1 daily wristband & get 1 FREE
Garbrick Rides: Parade Day Special - $10 wristband
(Rides open after parade until 4 PM and reopen at 5 PM - closing)
9 AM: Draff Horse Hatter Classes - EQUINE CENTER
9 AM: Walk with the Y - MEET AT HEADQUARTERS
9-10:30 AM: Healthy Aging Bingo sponsored by PA Lottery - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
10:30 AM: "All About Kit Winemaking" by Nittany Valley Hardware - GRANGE BUILDING
11 AM: Scooter Pull sponsored by T&B Medical - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
11 AM-12PM| Building with Legos - REC BUILDING
1 PM: Grange Fair Parade - GRANDSTAND
2-9 PM: Tram Service available (trams will start after the parade)
2:30-5 PM: Senior Health Fair sponsored by Centre HomeCare - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
3:30 PM: 5-Day Bible Club - REC BUILDING
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
4 PM: Meet the Animal: Poultry (Birdless) - POULTRY BARN
5 PM: Draft Horse Four-Horse Hitch, Classic Cart and More - EQUINE CENTER
6 PM: Light Farm Tractor Pull - COMPETITION TRACK
6-8 PM: Family Square Dance - REC BUILDING
6:30 PM: "All About Bats" by Penn State Extension - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
8 PM: American Pride - A Tribute to the Statler Brothers - GRANDSTAND
August 25, 2023: GEISINGER DAY
Bartlebaugh Rides: $25 wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbrick Rides: $25 wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
9 AM: Walk with the Y - MEET AT HEADQUARTERS
9 AM: Draft Horse Ladies Cart and Team Classes - EQUINE CENTER
10 AM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring Thomas Novosel, the Happy Valley Chef - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
10:30 AM: Junior Livestock Sale (Rabbits-Lambs-Goats-Beef-Swine-Dairy Beef) - JUDGING ARENA
10:30 AM: "All About Kit Winemaking" by Nittany Valley Hardware - GRANGE BUILDING
11 AM-3 PM: Ask a Scientist - REC BUILDING
11 AM-9 PM: Tram Service available
Afternoon: Ramalama (Doo Wap) - STROLLING THE GROUNDS
12:30 & 2 PM: Western Range (Texas Swing, Honky Tonk, Vintage Rock & Roll) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
1 PM: Health Walk Celebration sponsored by Mount Nittany Health - JUBILEE GROVE
3:30 PM: 5-Day Bible Club - REC BUILDING
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
4:30 & 6 PM: Stephanie & The Wild Hearts (Modern Country, Rock n' Roll) - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
4:30 & 6 PM: Ted & Molly (Acoustic, Alternative, Pop Rock) - JUBILEE GROVE
5 PM: North American Classic Six-Horse Hitch, Draft Riding, Unicorn, Team, Mens Carts - EQUINE CENTER
6-7 PM: Picture Bingo - REC BUILDING
7 PM: Two-Day Spectacular Pro Pulling League East Coast National Pulling Event (Super Stock/Pro Stock Tractors, Mods, LPT) - COMPETITION TRACK
8 PM: Chase McDaniel - GRANDSTAND
August 26, 2023: Jersey Shore State Bank Day
FOOD BANK DAY - Tenters & RVers, donate your unused canned & dry goods at Headquarters
Bartlebaugh Rides: $25 daily wristband (open 1 - 4 PM and 5 PM - closing)
Garbrick Rides: Food Bank Day-$2 off wristband with canned food donation (open I - 4 PM & 5 PM - closing)
Get your tickets for the final Grange Fair Raffle jackpot drawing!
9 AM: Draft Horse Youth Decorating, Showmanship and Carts - EQUINE CENTER
10 AM: Celebrity Chef Farm to Table: Featuring Zach Lorber of State College High School Career & Technical Center - SOUTHSIDE STAGE
11 AM - 1 PM| Scavenger Hunt - REC BUILDING
11 AM - 9 PM: Tram Service available
12 PM: Meet the Animal: Rabbit - RABBIT BARN
1 -4 PM: Traffic Safety by Highway Safety Network: Impaired & Distracted Driving Simulation - GATE 2 BUILDING
3 PM: Glamping Tent Auction hosted by Seven Mountains Media - JUBILEE GROVE
4 PM: Chicken Dance - JUBILEE GROVE
5 PM: James Cole Memorial North American Classic Six-Horse Hitch, Youth Four-Horse Hitch and Team, Unicorn and Team - EQUINE CENTER
7 PM: Two-Day Spectacular Pro Pulling League East Coast National Pulling Event (Super Stock/Pro Stock Tractors, Hot Farm Tractors, Mod 4x4 Gas Trucks, Mods, LPS) - COMPETITION TRACK
8 PM: Adam Calvert - GRANDSTAND
8 PM: Exhibit Buildings Close at 8 PM for workers to get exhibits ready for pick-up. No entry until 9 PM - EXHIBIT BUILDINGS
9 PM: Exhibits may be picked up by exhibitors including Granges, 4-H, and FFA - EXHIBIT BUILDINGS
9 PM: Final Grange Fair Raffle Jackpot Drawing!
Dates: August 18 - 26, 2023
Centre County Grange Fairgrounds,
169 Homan Lane,
Centre Hall, PA 16828.
Single Day Admission (12 Years and Over): $8
Children's Admission (11 Years and under): Free
Single Day Parking: $7
Click here for more information.