
City Of Alameda Sustainability and Resilience News - January 10, 2023

Government and Politics

January 11, 2023

From: City Of Alameda

Sustainability and Resilience News

This newsletter includes the following topics:

Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan at the Jan 17th Council Meeting

Urban Forest Plan kicking off

Gas-powered leaf blowers prohibited in Alameda as of Jan 1, 2023

Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan at the Jan 17th Council Meeting

Next Tuesday January 17th, the City Council will consider adoption of the Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan (Item 7B staff report). The plan presents a long term plan and process for shifting natural gas use in existing buildings toward clean, energy efficient all-electric buildings in accordance with the City's climate and equity goals. The plan provides a phased approach for community education and participation in the development of new policies and programs, financing options, and expanded rebates to incentivize electrification of Alameda building stock. The plan aligns with other Citywide efforts to create affordable, safe, healthy and resilient housing and prepare the City to leverage state and federal grants and funds as they become available. 

An FAQ addresses some of the common questions about the plan and the building decarbonization process. Have other questions you want answered? Just email and ask!

City Council Meeting Details (Agenda)

- Tuesday, January 17th, 7:00 pm

- Zoom registration

- Phone: 669-900-9128; enter Meeting ID 826 4216 5284
- Email written comments to [email protected]

- Speak during public comment (read instructions)

Urban Forest Plan kicking off

Alameda is kicking off development of an update Urban Forest Plan! An update and expansion of the 2010 Master Street Tree Plan as an Urban Forest Plan and expanding the urban forest was identified as an action item in the City's 2019 Climate Action and Resiliency Plan (CARP) to achieve goals related to carbon sequestration, urban heat island mitigation, cleaning and slowing stormwater runoff, reducing building energy use, advancing social equity, and contributing to a high quality of life for all Alamedans. Learn more about the plan and attend an upcoming event.

Gas-powered leaf blowers prohibited in Alameda as of Jan 1, 2023

https://www.alamedaca.gov/Departments/Planning-Building-and-Transportation/Planning-Division/Gas-Powered-Leaf-Blower-BanGas-powered leaf blowers pollute the air and make a lot of noise, two reasons why the City Council has banned their sale and use as of January 1, 2023. Purchase an electric or battery-powered blower or rake and make a difference! Read more: www.alamedaca.gov/leafblowerban.

Know a professional landscaper? CORE California is accepting voucher requests for professional landscape service equipment. Businesses can obtain a voucher to purchase eligible equipment at a 70% discount by contacting an approved dealer.