
City of Davis : Public Comment Period For Draft Urban Forest Management Plan Open Until March 3

Government and Politics

February 20, 2023

From: City of Davis

The City of Davis invites the public to provide feedback and comments on the Draft Urban Forest Management Plan (Plan) by March 3, 2023. This Plan will communicate the community’s vision for the City’s urban forest and guide the care and planting of trees in Davis over the next 40 years. 

This Plan is presented in a new, web-based format, which allows City staff to deliver regularly updated metrics, provide transparency in program operations and goals and adjust priority focus of the urban forestry program as Plan goals and objectives are completed in the years to come. The Plan will be reviewed and considered for approval by the Davis City Council on March 21, 2023. Residents are welcome to use the City website’s Accessibility Menu app on the bottom right corner of every page to help enlarge font, increase contrast or open other accessibility features for easier webpage reading and navigation. Page translation is also available by clicking on the ‘Select Language’ button next to the search bar. 

“The Urban Forest Management Plan helps set the framework for future City efforts related to trees and our urban forest,” said Mayor Will Arnold. “The format of this plan is dynamic and adjustable to meet the goals of Council and the community as we move forward.”

The draft Plan can be found under the ‘Spotlight’ section on the City’s website at: www.cityofdavis.org and consists of 17 different webpages, including an implementation plan of goals, objectives and action steps, benchmarks of current conditions, resources for best management, urban forestry operations and funding, as well as a summary of the current state of the City’s urban forest. The work being done reinforces the City’s vision to build a more resilient community and helps to address a key City Council goal to ensure environmental sustainability. Public feedback can be provided through the comment tool on the Plan’s website: www.cityofdavis.org/r/drafturbanforestplan, by email to [email protected], at a March 1 Zoom community meeting (details to be posted soon on webpage and social media) and through public comment at the March 21 Council meeting.

For information on the planning process, notices about public meetings and a comment box for providing feedback, visit: https://www.cityofdavis.org/city-hall/urban-forestry/urban-forest-management-plan-staff-reports-and-presentations. The Urban Forest Management Plan is funded in part by a 2018 CAL FIRE grant that also supported the planting of 1,000 new trees within the City’s limits, done in partnership with Tree Davis. To contact the Urban Forestry Division, email [email protected] or call 530-757-5633.

Press contact: Barbara Archer, [email protected]530-400-3418