Government and Politics
January 27, 2023
From: City Of Del MarOpportunity to Serve on the City's Committees and Boards
The City of Del Mar is recruiting for volunteers to serve on the City's advisory committees and a legislative board. For more information, please visit:
The following vacancies are currently open:
Design Review Board - 1 ex-officio, non-voting member.
Deadline to apply: January 27, 2023 (Friday) at 4:30 pm
Parks & Recreation Committee - 1 voting member.
Deadline to apply: January 27, 2023 (Friday) at 4:30 pm
San Diego County Water Authority Board (Del Mar Representative) - 1 board member.
Deadline to apply: February 17, 2023 (Friday) at 4:30 pm
Traffic & Parking Advisory Committee - 1 voting member.
Deadline to apply: February 10, 2023 (Friday) at 4:30 pm
Undergrounding Project Advisory Committee - 1 voting member.
Deadline to apply: January 27, 2023 (Friday) at 4:30 pm
About the Design Review Board
The Del Mar Design Review process is intended to preserve and improve the scenic amenities of Del Mar and to protect the city's natural environment, its scenic vistas and the community's overall aesthetic quality. As part of the review process, application proposals are evaluated by the Design Review Board for their consistency with the provisions of the Del Mar Community (General) Plan and with the City's Zoning Ordinance as well as consistency with the applicable Design Review standards, found in the Design Review Ordinance (DRO). Volunteering on the Design Review Board is a great opportunity for residents who want to participate in preserving Del Mar's unique community character.
About the Parks & Recreation Committee
The Parks and Recreation Committee was established to advise the City Council on matters related to City parks and open space lands, recreation facilities, trails and scenic preserves and to plan for specific development of open space. In doing so, the Committee’s work plan generally consists of the following:
Periodically review the City’s need for park and recreation facilities and to recommend actions to the City Council for implementation.
Review and recommend guidelines governing the use and enjoyment of public park and open space lands to the City Council for implementation.
Review citizen complaints regarding the use and maintenance of public park and open space lands to pass along to the City Council, City Manager and staff with a recommended course of action.
To analyze and make recommendations to City staff regarding the efficient and adequate maintenance of City park and open space lands, which may include organizing volunteer maintenance efforts, etc.
Review and recommend guidelines governing the use of the City’s trails and Adopt-a-Spots.
To monitor and make recommendations for updates to the City website regarding City park and recreation facilities and trails.
Develop an annual work plan within the capacity of budgeted/assigned staff and resources. Prioritize work items to be sequentially completed.
About the San Diego County Water Authority
Serves as the City of Del Mar's Representative on the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors.
The San Diego County Water Authority's mission is to provide a safe and reliable supply of water to its member agencies serving the San Diego region. The Water Authority's 24 member agencies are represented through a 36-member Water Authority Board of Directors.
About the Traffic & Parking Advisory Committee
Traffic and Parking Advisory Committee (TPAC) was established with the purpose of developing advisory recommendations to the City Council on specified traffic and parking items referred to the Committee by City staff or the City Council. The Committee relies on the advice of City staff, including the City's traffic and engineering consultants, and the Sheriff's Department. TPAC also has the authority to refer specific concerns to the City's contract traffic engineer, upon approval of the City Manager.
About the Undergrounding Project Advisory Committee
The Undergrounding Project Advisory Committee (Committee) works with the Undergrounding Project Team (Team) and Project Manager to ensure the citywide utility undergrounding project moves forward in a timely manner and that the Team goals and tasks are achieved. The Committee assists with evaluating ongoing project success and makes recommendations for adjustments as necessary.
Volunteer Requirements
Form 700
The Political Reform Act (Government Code Sections 81000-91015) requires certain individuals to publicly disclose their personal assets and income by completing a Form 700 to ensure there are no financial conflicts of interest created by their new appointment. Forms 700s are filed annually in April and upon assuming or leaving office.
For information about the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Form 700 please go to The Assuming Office Form 700 must be filed within thirty (30) days of assuming office for Planning Commission or Design Review Board appointments. The Form 700 should be filed with the Administrative Services Department.
Ethics Training
Assembly Bill 1234 requires members of City boards, commissions, and committees complete two hours of ethics training after being appointed and every two years. Free ethics training is provided by the FPPC, and can be accessed online at Upon completion of the online training, please provide a copy of the completion certificate to the Administrative Services Department.
Ready to Apply?
Interested citizens should complete a Citizen Interest Form and submit it to the City of Del Mar’s Administrative Services Department. There are two options to access the form:
Download and fill out the Citizen Interest Form (PDF) or Citizen Interest Form (Word).
Or pick up a hard copy at City Hall.
The completed forms should be e-mailed to [email protected] or dropped off at the City Hall, Administrative Services Department, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014.