Government and Politics
January 31, 2023
From: City of EmeryvilleThe City of Emeryville is pleased to announce the Annual Grant Program awards for Funding Year 2023-2024. Each year the Community Grant awards are made to eligible arts and culture organizations and individual artists. The City of Emeryville
encourages these organizations or individual artists to apply for grants up to $10,000. The grants support the creative life of Emeryville. The Program expands public access to literary, video and film, culinary, historic, and performing arts and events in our community by supporting the work of the individual artists or organizations.
The City welcomes applications from a variety of nonprofit organizations, individual artists or organizations that obtain a fiscal agent sponsor. A fiscal agent holds a 501(c)3 non-profit status and sponsors a non-exempt person or organization by providing a pass-through for funds for the grant project.
For more information and to discuss the project and confirm eligibility call Rebecca Sermeno, Community Service Director, at 510-596-4314.
Visit for more information and a link to the application. Closing date for applications is February 28, 2023.