
City Of Homestead News : Free Breast Cancer Screening Information

Government and Politics

January 27, 2023

From: City Of Homestead

The free mammogram screenings and follow-up diagnostic services, when required, will be performed by Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine’s Linda Fenner 3D Mobile Mammography Center. By providing screenings, the City of Homestead plans to improve health outcomes for women with breast cancer through the provision of high-quality breast cancer screening mammograms, treatment referrals, breast health navigation services/support, and innovative community outreach. A Certified Breast Cancer Navigator that will guide women through an inconclusive or positive test and help provide them with resources, referrals, and support throughout the breast cancer survivorship process. 

Homestead Hours (9AM to 4PM)

January 28 & February 15

William F. Dickinson Community Center

1601 North Krome Avenue

February 11 & 24

Phichol Williams Community Center

951 SW 4TH Street

February 8 & 21

Community Health South/Martin Luther King Clinica Campesina

810 West Mowry Drive

Reserve your appointment by calling 305-348-7465. Walk-ins are welcome. To be eligible, women must be uninsured, a Homestead resident40 years or older, and have NO breast symptoms