
City Of Killeen News : Fort Hood group joins City employees for Monthly Downtown Clean-Up Event

Government and Politics

January 19, 2023

From: City Of Killeen

KILLEEN, Texas (Jan. 17, 2023) – City of Killeen employees were joined by members of Fort Hood’s BOSS (Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers) program to clean up more than 800 lbs. of litter and help beautify Historic Downton Killeen in our third monthly “downtown blitz.”

Dozens of volunteers in the BOSS program donated their time on Jan. 10 to help cleanup and beautify Historic Downtown.

The monthly blitz program is a volunteer program in which volunteers from all 13 city departments pick up trash, remove weeds, trim overgrowth, pressure wash sidewalks, sanitize benches, blow leaves, and do light gardening.

The first two events were primarily done by city staff, but the effort is extended to anyone willing to volunteer.

The effort was the idea of the Downtown Revitalization Director, Kate Kizito, and was organized by the Development Services Department. It’s a chance to show citizens and downtown businesses the City’s support and dedication to improvement in an area that we all care about.

We thank the Fort Hood BOSS program for their partnership and involvement in our community.

Other measures that will be taken, include having officials tag cars and trailers that have been abandoned in parking lots, having Code Enforcement do sweeps of downtown, and increasing the police presence during night hours to limit trespassing.

To find out about more that is happening in Historic Downtown Killeen, please visit www.KilleenTexas.gov/Downtown.