
City Of Killeen Partners With Moss Rose To Open Warming Center Thursday And Friday Nights

Government and Politics

February 17, 2023

From: City Of Killeen

The City of Killeen has partnered with the Killeen Housing Authority, the Moss Rose Community Center, and other community partners to provide a warming center for those in need overnight Thursday, Feb. 16 and Friday, Feb. 17. The Moss Rose Center, located at 1103 East Avenue E, will open at 6 p.m. each night and will remain open overnight to provide shelter to those in need until 8 a.m. the next day.

City warming centers are set up to offer temporary relief from the cold, so no beds or showers are provided. The City of Killeen policy is to open a warming center if the temperature or wind chill factor is forecasted to fall to or below 32. 

To those interested in donating, please call ahead at (254) 327-1164 to see if your donations will be accepted at the Moss Rose Center.

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