
City Of Killeen - Ribbon cutting planned for grand re-opening ofConder Skate Park

Government and Politics

March 3, 2023

From: City Of Killeen

Revitalized park is part of $4.6 million Parks Master Plan

The City of Killeen is hosting a ribbon cutting for the grand re-opening of the revitalized skatepark at Conder Park (810 Conder Street) on Saturday, March 1 at noon. 

On June 14, 2022, the City Council approved $303,000 to renovate the skate park. The Conder Park Skate Workgroup, which consists of users of the park, created a new park design. They were focused on creating a park that all skill levels would be comfortable using, and making the park family friendly. Construction on the new park began in November 2022. 

The funding for the renovations came from a $4.6 million grant from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), of which $1.9 million was dedicated to Conder Park. In addition to the skate park, the park improvements include parking lot asphalt, overlay and striping, drinking fountains, fencing, field lights, new restrooms, sport field lights, a new multi-purpose field, a new walking trail and expansion, solar parking lot lights, solar trail lights, basketball court resurfaced and planting of trees.

More information about the park improvements can be found at www.killeentexas.gov/parkimprovements