Government and Politics
January 28, 2023
From: City Of New Smyrna BeachHelp chart the future course of New Smyrna Beach while gaining valuable insight and experience by applying to serve on one of these five city advisory boards by Feb. 3. Fill out an application here and
contact the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or 386-410-2630 for details
Code Compliance Board – One vacancy; unexpired term ending March 3, 2024
One (1) vacancy to serve an unexpired three year-term, expiring on March 3, 2024
Purpose: The Code Compliance Board is empowered to subpoena alleged code violators, evidence and witnesses to its hearings; take testimony under oath; issue orders to command whatever steps are necessary to bring a violation into compliance; fine violators; authorize recording of liens; authorize foreclosures; and, authorize abatement of the nuisance and charge the costs to the violator.
Qualifications: City of New Smyrna Beach residents who must, whenever possible, consist of an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a subcontractor and a realtor.
The third Thursday of each month at 4:30 PM in the City Commission Chambers
Vacant Seat: Architect
Community Enhancement Engagement Committee
One (1) vacancy to serve a three year-term, expiring on September 1, 2025
Purpose: The Committee shall serve to strengthen neighborhood identity and resiliency, review the value of community events to ensure resilient outcomes for the community as well as the relevancy, entertainment and cultural values of community programs, facilitate communication and cooperation between neighborhoods and City offices, recommend mentoring and volunteer opportunities and suggest ideas to promote and get the best use out of City Resources such as the Golf Course, Sports Complex, Skate Parks and Parks.
Qualifications: City of New Smyrna Beach residents who have demonstrated the expertise, training, education or experience in a sports, marketing or business management related field.
Meetings: Every other month, first Friday of the month at 3:00 PM in the City Commission Chambers.
Vacant Seat: Zone 1 Citizen
Economic Development Task Force
One (1) Vacancy to serve a three year-term, expiring on September 1, 2025
Purpose: The Task Force would assist the City's economic development on an assignment basis. They will review and advise staff and the City Commission on specific, defined economic development initiatives or challenges, and perform such other duties and assignments as requested by the City Manager.
Qualifications: City of New Smyrna Beach residents who have demonstrated the expertise, training, education or experience in economic development efforts.
Meetings: As requested by the CRA/Economic Development Director and/or the City Manager in the City Commission Chambers.
Facilities Advisory Committee
One (1) vacancy to serve a three year-term, expiring on September 1, 2025
Purpose: The Committee shall consist of experts in the fields of construction, design, architecture and landscape and be tasked to provide design suggestions, feedback, ideas, assist/monitor staff on large scale public facilities projects such as parks, buildings, streetscapes and perform such other duties and assignments as requested by the City Manager.
Qualifications: Must be a City of New Smyrna Beach resident demonstrating the expertise, education or experience in design, architecture or landscape.
Meetings: As requested/assigned by the City Manager in the City Commission Chambers.
Parking Task Force
Seven (7) Vacancies to serve for six months; beginning March 1, 2023 and ending September 26, 2023.
Purpose: The Parking Task Force will have such tasks as assigned by the City Commission and shall endeavor to research projects, programs, or solutions to the impacts of weekend, holiday, and special event parking issues, the impact on adjacent residential areas, and existing and proposed commercial and retail redevelopment.
Qualifications: Wherever possible the City Commission shall appoint members to the Parking Task Force who have demonstrated expertise in public or private parking systems; retail or commercial business operation; or interested residents. A balance between residents and businesses impacted should be the goal of membership on the Task Force.
Meetings: Twice per month in the City Commission Chambers.