
City Of Palatka - Adoption of Impact Fees

Government and Politics

February 16, 2023

From: City Of Palatka

NOTICEis hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Palatka, Florida adopted the following entitled Ordinance 2023-05 on February 9, 2023, setting new impact fees:

An ordinance of the city of palatka, florida, to be known as the city of palatka comprehensive impact fee and connection fee ordinance; amending sections 54-111 title, 54-112  general definitions, 54-113 legislative findings, 54-117 adoption of park impact fee study, 54-118 imposition of parks and recreation facilities impact fee, 54-121 use of monies, 54-123 legislative findings applicable to fire rescue impact fees, 54-124 adoption of fire rescue impact fee study, 54-125 imposition of fire rescue impact fees, 54-128 use of monies, 54-130 definitions applicable to road impact fees, 54-131 adoption of road impact fee study, 54-132 adoption of road impact fee study, 54-133 imposition of road impact fees, 54-134 alternative road impact fee, 54-135 payment, 54-136 use of monies, 54-137 individual calculation of road impact fees, 54-140 adoption of law enforcement impact fee study, 54-141 imposition of law enforcement impact fees, 54-142 alternative law enforcement impact fee, 54-144 use of monies, 54-145 individual calculation of law enforcement impact fees, 54-146 water impact fees, 54-147 legislative findings applicable to water impact fees, 54-148 adoption of water and wastewater impact fee study, 54-149 adoption of water impact fees, 54-150 alternative water impact fee, 54-151 payment, 54-152 use of monies, 54-153 alternative collection method, 54-154 sewer impact fees, 54-155 legislative findings applicable to sewer impact fees, 54-156 water and wastewater impact fee study, 54-157 adoption of sewer impact fees, 54-158 alternative sewer impact fee, 54-159 payment, 54-160 use of monies, 54-160.1 alternative collection method, 54-160.2 exemptions, 54-160.4 changes in size and use, 54-160.5 remedial collection methods, 54-160.6 accounting and reporting of impact fee, 54-160.7 developer contribution credits, 54-160.8 review hearings, 54-160.9 review requirement, 54-160.10 notice of impact fee rates; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the city code; providing an effective date; and providing for scrivenor’s errors.

90 days from today’s date the new impact fees will commence in the City of Palatka.  For more information, call the City’s Planning Department at 386-329-0100 ext 332 or visit the City’s website: https://palatka-fl.gov/136/Fees-Applications This notice is given in accordance with F.S. 163.31801(3)(d).

Sunni Krantz, CMC, City Clerk