
City of Palmdale News : Deadline Extended for EIFD Public FinancingAuthority Applications

Government and Politics

February 16, 2023

From: City of Palmdale

PALMDALE - The City is accepting applications for one public member to serve on the Palmdale Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District Public Financing Authority for an initial term of two years. The deadline to apply has been extended to February 28, 2023.

Under Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) law, the Palmdale EIFD Public Financing Authority is the governing Board of the Palmdale EIFD. Initially and pursuant to EIFD law, the Palmdale EIFD Public Financing Authority (PFA) membership shall include two City Councilmembers and one public member. All members of the Board serve at the pleasure of the City Council, and any member may be removed, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the City Council. Meetings are held as needed.

Qualifications: Members shall reside in the City of Palmdale or own a business in the City of Palmdale. Experience working on public infrastructure projects, public finance, and municipal bonds or understanding construction is desired but not required.

Essential Duties: The PFA will direct the preparation of an Infrastructure Financing Plan for the Palmdale EIFD. The Plan will include tax increment revenue projection updates, infrastructure to be financed with Palmdale EIFD funds, caps to the maximum tax increment revenue and bond authorization, and district formation and election cost information. The PFA is ultimately responsible for preparing and adopting an Infrastructure Financing Plan for the Palmdale EIFD. The PFA will also be responsible for the issuance of future bonds for the Palmdale EIFD.

As part of the final selection process, applicants will be required to pass a Livescan fingerprint submission via the California Department of Justice. If appointed, a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 will be required.

Interested individuals may apply online at www.cityofpalmdale.org/EIFD by the deadline date of February 28, 2023, at 6 pm.

For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 661/267-5151.