
City of Richmond Fire Department Receives ISO Evaluation

Government and Politics

December 21, 2023

From: City of Richmond

Richmond, TX - Recently Richmond Fire Department used a consulting firm to prepare for an upcoming ISO (Insurance Services Office) evaluation.  The firm conducted a thorough assessment using the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule and determined Richmond classified as a solid 2 within city limits and a 2X for areas outside of city limits (which would be a 9 from the previous rating identifying grade number). These ratings affect residential and commercial insurance rates for the city.

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) is an organization that helps insurance companies craft policies, meet state regulatory requirements, as well as provide information based on data it has accumulated since its inception in 1971. Essentially, ISO is an extensive database that utilizes data to provide insight on best practices for businesses that handle risk.

ISO Ratings categorize communities from 1 (the best) to 10 (the worst), based on how they score on the ISO Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS), which evaluates system features such as water distribution, fire department equipment and manpower, and fire alarm facilities. This rating is known as the Public Protection Classification (PPC) program and is used by the Insurance Services Office in all 50 states.

Most home and business insurers use PPC scores to determine insurance premiums. Businesses and individuals in a community with a good PPC score typically pay less for fire insurance.

  • 1 means the community has superior property fire protection.
  • 10 means the community’s fire protection efforts don’t meet ISO’s minimum criteria.

ISO field representatives use the FSRS when reviewing a community's fire protection capability. Water distribution, fire department equipment and manpower, fire alarm facilities, and other factors are graded. This score is then converted into a Public Protection Classification (PPC). In Texas, a perfect score in the categories below is 109.76.  (Most points available in each PPC category)

  • 10 points – Emergency communications
  • 50 points – Fire department review
  • 40 points – Water supply review
  • 5.5 points – Community risk reduction 
  • 4.26 points – Texas exceptions for training and technology

As noted above, classification descriptions range from 1-10. (Note descriptions below)

  • Class 1-8: The fire suppression system includes an FSRS creditable dispatch center, fire department, and water supply.
  • Class 8B: Is an exception for Class 9 areas that have a superior fire protection system but lack the FSRS minimum water criteria.
  • Class 9: The fire suppression system includes a creditable dispatch center, fire department, but no FSRS minimum water supply.
  • Class 10: Does not meet minimum FSRS criteria for recognition.

Richmond is classified with a Rating of 02/2X. What does this mean?

Many communities are affixed with a “Split” classification. Richmond has a rating of 2 for most areas (All areas inside the city limits receive a rating of 2).  Areas outside of the city limits that fall in the classification of properties located beyond five road miles of a fire station have a rating of 2X. Therefore, Richmond is a 02/2X.

A good PPC score shows the community is working diligently to provide fire protection for property owners and citizens. The FSRS also helps to identify areas that need improvement and can help justify funding requests.