
City of Richmond News - Mayor Haas' Historical Weekly Message Shared About 1930's Calhoun Street

Government and Politics

February 11, 2023

From: City of Richmond

Mayor Haas' Historical Weekly Message Shared About 1930's Calhoun Street

I thought I’d write about numerous newspaper articles I read dated between January 18-21, 1930 about Ft. Bend County Sheriff H. Wyatt Collins, and Richmond’s Mud Alley.

The headlines are all different, but the story is basically the same. During the wee hours of January 17, 1930, a group of 30 Federal Prohibition Agents conducted a raid and simultaneously struck houses along Mud Alley (Calhoun Street) arresting 63 people. Charges ranged from conspiracy, possession, sale, manufacturing, and maintaining a nuisance. It was reported that 1000 bottles of whisky and 5000 bottles of beer were confiscated between the raided houses. Among those arrested was Sheriff Collins, a jailer, and 4 deputies. One article stated that Sheriff Collins was the owner of several of the houses raided. Articles varied with the total number of people rounded up, but all the numbers were over 200 people with 63 ending up being arrested. At one house, an agent allowed a poker game to continue while they waited for a vehicle to arrive to transport the arrestees to jail. People arrested were from all walks of life and of all races.

I shook my head and smiled as I read a January 21, 1930, article headline in the Galveston Daily News which read “Liquor Hearing Resembles County Fair as Richmond Citizens Gather.” The reporter stated that groups came in like going to a progressive luncheon. As soon as one group was escorted out, another was brought in.

Well, Richmond, stay tuned for my Mayor’s Message next week. No telling what interesting local history I will find to share!!