
Community-Built Comfort Station Coming To Ha’ena State Park

Government and Politics

January 15, 2025

From: Hawaii Governor Josh Green, M.D.

HA’ENA, Kaua’i - After years of planning, permitting and saving money, the Hui Maka?ainana o Makana, the nonprofit steward of Ha’ena State Park, is preparing to start construction of a much-needed new comfort station there. 

This project will be the first of its kind, where a nonprofit community group has not only led the design and planning process for improvements in a state park, but is paying for the entire capital improvement project with non-government funding. 

The Hui, and its nonprofit partner The Hanalei Initiative, has been operating the parking and shuttle system since the park reopened after the COVID lockdown in 2020. During this time, operating revenues have been set aside for the construction of a new comfort station in the parking lot where visitors and residents arrive.

This strategic location will not impact any cultural sites in the park, and it will reduce the dependence on the only existing bathroom in the park by Ke‘e Beach and the Kalalau Trailhead. This is an environmentally and culturally sensitive area. 

Billy Kinney, assistant director of the Hui, prepared a Ka Pa‘akai Analysis which evaluated the potential cultural impacts of the project. Kinney, a lineal descendant of Ha‘ena and Hanalei said “While the DLNR State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) concurred with a ?no historic properties affected’ determination, our hui remains dedicated to the protection of wahi k?puna (ancestral sites) in Ha?ena. There will be both archaeological and cultural monitoring during the excavation of the existing parking lot. Inadvertent discoveries are highly unlikely because the project site has been historically, and unfortunately, disturbed numerous times since the 1970s.”

This unprecedented project is not only important to the Ha‘ena community, it is leading the way for a transformation within DLNR and the Division of State Parks (DSP) which are looking to partner with more community groups in an effort to better care for special areas across the state.  

DSP Assistant Administrator Alan Carpenter added: “The Hui has proven that they are responsible and committed stewards of everything we value in Ha‘ena State Park. Under the Hui’s leadership we are implementing the visionary Master Plan which has not only greatly reduced the number of overall visitors to the park to a sustainable level but has made Ha?ena and the adjacent Napali Coast State Wilderness Park more accessible and enjoyable for the residents of Hawai‘i.”

Pua Chin, executive director of the Hui, is humbled by the support DSP and the community have shown for its work. Chin, also a lineal descendant of the area said, “The Hui’s ?Ohana Council (lineal families) and its founding board members set the organization’s vision and mission for us almost 30 years ago. That vision, in addition to protecting, caring for, and restoring the natural and cultural resources of Ha?ena State Park, also outlines the creation of this regenerative tourism model to curb human impacts and generate revenue that will directly contribute to the stewardship of the park and support local employment and educational opportunities.” 

Joel Guy, president of The Hanalei Initiative, which operates the reservation and shuttle systems, is equally excited to see this project get underway after so many years of planning. Guy commented, “This project represents the power of a community-led, government-supported approach to managing our precious resources. The collaboration between the Hui, The Hanalei Initiative and DSP demonstrates how local expertise and commitment can lead to transformative outcomes. While construction is underway, we encourage visitors and residents to take advantage of our expanded shuttle system, which makes the journey to Ha‘ena stress-free and ensures everyone can continue to enjoy this incredible place responsibly.”

Over the years, many people have commented on the lack of restroom facilities at the parking lot. It’s a five-to-10-minute walk to the comfort station near the beach. Moreover, the new station should reduce the number of people who head into the trees to relieve themselves, which will help protect the natural and cultural resources of Ha‘ena.

While the number of parking spots will be reduced during construction, it’s anticipated to residents and visitors can be accommodated via the modified parking plan and increased shuttle capacity. Guy concluded: “We hope both our visitors and residents will plan ahead and consider using the shuttle instead of driving down to the end of the road and trying to find a parking spot.”