Sports and Recreation
June 29, 2023
From: The Connecticut Audubon SocietyFriend
With just three days remaining in June, Pollinator Month is quickly drawing to a close. We want to express our sincere gratitude for your previous support, which has enabled the CT Audubon Society to actively work towards the preservation and protection of our pollinators and their habitats, like the restoration project at Milford Point in the photo above.
However, we cannot afford to let up now!
We urgently seek your help to sustain our impactful initiatives and continue raising awareness about the crucial role of pollinators in our ecosystem.
Pollinators, including bees, butterflies, birds, and bats, are vital for maintaining the biodiversity of our planet and ensuring food security. Unfortunately friend, these essential creatures face numerous challenges, such as habitat loss, pesticide exposure, climate change, and disease. As a result, their populations are rapidly declining, posing severe implications for our environment, agriculture, and overall well-being.
Donate here to help pollinators!
There are several ways to support the Connecticut Audubon Society. You can contribute through stock gifts, donate your used car or boat, or explore other giving options that align with your preferences and capabilities.
Thanks to your generosity, we have made significant strides in expanding our conservation efforts throughout the past year. However, your donation today will facilitate even more impactful education, advocacy, sanctuary maintenance, and hands-on conservation work throughout the remainder of 2023.
Join me, along with other concerned community members, by making a contribution today. Every amount, regardless of size, makes a tangible difference in our ability to protect and conserve pollinators.
Thank you immensely for your consideration and ongoing support. Together, let us ensure a thriving future for our precious pollinators and the ecosystems they sustain.
Best regards,
--Joyce Leiz
Interim Executive Director