
County Health and KRMC Partner in Community Health Needs Assessment Survey

Government and Politics

January 9, 2024

From: County of Mohave

MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ -- Mohave County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) and Kingman Regional Medical Center (KRMC) have partnered together to conduct the 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), a survey administered every four years to identify health needs and concerns in the community. Public Health Director, Dr. Chad Kingsley said, “We are excited to partner with KRMC and the community. The data gathered in these surveys will help us gain a deeper understanding of the communities we serve.” 

This year, the assessment team is starting a little earlier than previous cycles, in hopes to receive qualitative and comprehensive data. The CHNA is working closely with partners from each major city in the county and have plans to get it in the hands of people in rural areas where the Internet may be a barrier. The survey is open now and closes on March 31, 2024.

What to expect this cycle:

  • BOOTS ON THE GROUND: The team will be attending health fairs, community events, and traveling with the MCDPH mobile health unit to rural cities within the county.
  • MULTI-MEDIA SURVEYS: Aside from traditional paper surveys, there will be an online link to the anonymous survey, as well as a QR code.
  • ONLINE CAMPAIGN: Continued updates and survey sharing on the MCDPH Facebook page and in several local FB groups.
  • LOCAL DROP-OFF LOCATIONS: Paper surveys will be available for pick-up and drop-off and locations around the county. Locations to be announced soon.

Dani Lagana, Special Programs Analyst, MCDPH says that “with so many time-consuming surveys that don’t seem to yield visible results, I am proud to say, this survey really does work..” She adds,  “our community has come together and created several county-wide support groups, resource teams and coalitions, just from the results of these surveys.”

CHNA hopes to engage the community and receive important information from residents of all ages. Lagana believes “there are gaps in services, but we often only hear about the same few, because it’s usually only the same few people that participate.” said Lagana, emphasizing that “every person counts.  The more we learn, the more we will be able to work together to improve our community.”

A few notable and continuing items that came out of previous CHNA surveys include:

  • Mental Health Resource Team: A monthly resource sharing group that keeps local industry leaders apprised of latest trends, issues, and needs.

            The LOSS Group. A Kingman community support group for those who have lost loved ones to suicide.             

            Futures without Fear: A human trafficking coalition overseen by the Arizona Youth Partnership(AZYP.)

  • MSTEPP: Mohave Substance Treatment and Education Prevention Partnerships. Provides education, resources, and support.
  • YADAH: Young Adult Association of Havasu, a community coalition working towards educating and reducing substance use amongst youth.

Many can make a difference in the county community. To share thoughts, go to: https://forms.office.com/r/W11Cb9VxLg