Government and Politics
February 24, 2023
From: City of West Palm BeachWho:
City of West Palm Beach Office of Sustainability
The University of Florida IFAS Extension
City of West Palm Beach residents, students, and businesses
What: The City of West Palm Beach Office of Sustainability is offering the Climate Smart Floridians program to residents, businesses, and students. This 8 module program helps individuals develop the skills needed to curb their household climate impact through the study of climate change, home energy, renewable energy, yards, food, water, green building, transportation, and consumption with a special focus on climate issues and specific impacts to West Palm Beach.
The program is taught by instructors who are experts in their respective fields, and the course is designed for practical real-world application. Participants will have access to free conservation resources provided by the City of West Palm Beach Office of Sustainability.
The program is being offered in partnership with the University of Florida Institute for Food and Agriculture Science Extension Service. Class size is limited, and preference will be given to City of West Palm Beach residents, students, and businesses. Attend all or one of the modules. Upon completion of all 8 modules, a certificate will be awarded to each participant. Registration is required. Click here to register
Mandel Public Library (Hibiscus Room)
411 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach
All Modules will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday, Mar. 6, 2023 – Office of Sustainability
Monday, Mar. 13, 2023 – Climate Change and Health
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2023 – Home Energy and Renewable Energy
Monday, Mar. 27, 2023 – TBD
Monday, Apr. 3, 2023 – TBD
Monday, Apr. 10, 2023 – Water
Wednesday, Apr. 19, 2023 – Consumption and Waste
Monday, Apr. 24, 2023 – Florida Yards
Contact: Sustainability Team – (561) 804-4994 (TTY: 800-955-8771).