
Dare County Library Newsletter - May 2023

Schools and Libraries

April 29, 2023

From: Dare County Library

In this Month's Newsletter: 

Auto-Renewals of Your Checked-Out Books 

May New Releases Reservation Forms

Hatteras Library Pop-Up Event 

Book Clubs

Library Orientation Night

Children's Bookmark Contest 

Barnyard Blast at the Hatteras Library 


Bilingual/Dual Language Family Night 

Coastal Gardening Festival

Lost Colony Souvenir Programs Digitized 

You can now access all of our Dare County Library events in a single calendar on our website. See everything happening all at once or sort by library location. 

Dare County Library Online Event Calendar

What are “Auto-Renewals?”

With our recent upgrade to new software, we are now able to offer our library users automatic renewals of items as they become due. We encourage all of our users to sign up for email notifications so that you will receive a friendly reminder via email 48 hours before an item becomes due. 

For materials that are not on hold for another library customer, your materials will automatically renew for another loan period - three weeks for most items and two weeks for popular new fiction. You will receive an email notice about the titles that have auto-renewed as well as their new due date. There is a limit of two renewals or autorenewals, meaning you can borrow an item for its original two- or three-week loan period and then have it for two additional two- or three-week loan periods as renewals.

As always, you have the option to return the items, call the library to renew them, or log into your account from home and renew them. From our online catalog at https://www.earlibrary.org/ you can access your account, renew items and place holds. If you have any questions, please call or stop by your Dare County Library location.

Click here to view more information about the Dare County Library Newsletter - May 2023