Government and Politics
February 17, 2023
From: Hawaii Governor Josh Green, M.D.HONOLULU – The state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs’ (DCCA) Business Registration and Insurance Division and Hawai?i Credit Union League (HCUL) announces that the team from Maryknoll School is the winner of the annual Hawai?i LifeSmarts State Competition, held today at the University of Hawai?i at M?noa Campus Center Ballroom.
The competition tests students on their knowledge of personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities. Following the preliminary online portion of the competition, top scoring teams from Kalani, Maryknoll and Waipahu High Schools were invited to compete in today’s in-person competition, where they tested their skills through an online test, “speed smarts” activity, and game show-style buzzer rounds.
As the 2023 state champions, Maryknoll School will go on to represent Hawai?i at the National LifeSmarts Competition in Cincinnati, Ohio from April 27 through 30, 2023. Members of the team are: Chris Ho (team captain), Adam Nelson, Maddy Agustin, Benson Leung, and Kaitlyn Mcleod-Asahan. The team was coached by Kit-U Wong.
“We are excited that Maryknoll School will represent Hawai?i at the National Competition,” said Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Director Nadine Ando. “We are proud to host a program like Hawai?i LifeSmarts, which teaches students practical knowledge and skills that can help them face many of life’s challenges. Mahalo to our staff, volunteers, and community partners for their generous support of such a great event.”
2023 Hawai?i State Competition Community Supporters include:
Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union
Better Business Bureau Northwest + Pacific
Big Island Federal Credit Union
Cisco Systems Inc.
Coastal Construction Company Inc.
Department of the Attorney General, Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division, Community and Crime Prevention Branch
Farmers Hawai'i
Hawai'i Community Federal Credit Union
Hawai'i Credit Union League
Hawai'i Dental Service
Hawai'i Information Service
Hawai'i State Federal Credit Union
HMSA Employees Federal Credit Union
Honolulu Fire Department Federal Credit Union
Island Energy Services (Texaco)
Kualoa Ranch Hawai'i Inc.
Pasha Group and Pasha Hawai'i
Pearl Hawai'i Federal Credit Union
Schofield Federal Credit Union
University of Hawai'i Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship (PACE)
Visit for more information.
LifeSmarts is a national consumer education program that prepares students to enter the real world as smart consumers by teaching them the skills needed to succeed in today’s global marketplace. The program is run by the National Consumers League and sponsored locally by the DCCA Business Registration and Insurance Division, in partnership with the Hawai?i Credit Union League.