Government and Politics
May 22, 2024
From: Hawaii Governor Josh Green, M.D.HONOLULU - The Department of Human Services (DHS) has received reports statewide of fraudulent automated call from a 1-866-264-2925 phone number with a greeting “Welcome to the Hawai‘i EBT Customer Service Line.” It then prompts the caller to enter their 16-digit card number. EBT stands for Electronic Benefit Transfer (also known as an EBT card or SNAP benefit card).
Here are tips to keep your benefits intact.
What should I do if I suspect a fraudulent transaction has occurred with my EBT card?
- DHS encourages all clients who receive financial or SNAP benefits, or supportive service payments from the First-To-Work or Child Care Subsidy program, to be proactive and check their EBT accounts for unusual transactions.
- Please visit the DHS Processing Center nearest to you to report any fraudulent transactions and to request a replacement card. A list of DHS Processing Centers statewide can be found online at:
Can DHS replace my benefits if they were stolen?
- To receive information specific on stolen benefits, contact DHS by calling 1-855-643-1643 and say, “Need information about replacing stolen benefits.” The same information is available on the DHS website at
- Clients whose benefits were stolen due to electronic theft must report the stolen benefits to DHS and may request replacement of their SNAP, financial and/or supportive service benefits.
- Report the stolen benefits to the nearest DHS Processing Center in writing, over the phone, or in-person.
- Complete form DHS 1009, “Report of Stolen Electronic Benefits,” and submit to the DHS Processing Center by the due date provided to you. Please also submit any documents that support your claim of stolen benefits with your form DHS 1009.
You may download the DHS 1009 form (see below) or visit the DHS Processing Center to obtain the form.
- A notice will be sent with determination on your claim, and if approved, the amount of the replacement benefits.
- Congress passed a law in late 2022 to help SNAP participants who are victims of card skimming, cloning and other similar methods of fraudulent activity. The law allows for the replacement of benefits stolen through these methods in limited circumstances.
- More information about addressing stolen SNAP benefits is available at:
Helpful Tips and Resources
- Check your EBT account regularly for unauthorized changes.
- Avoid simple Personal Identification Numbers or PINs for your card.
- Keep your PIN and card number secret and change your PIN often.
- Know that you have the option to freeze and unfreeze your EBT card through the Cardholder Portal at or through the mobile app.
- Know that you have the option to block out-of-state and online transactions through the Cardholder Portal at or through the mobile app.
- Beware of phishing schemes.
State agencies and EBT processors will never call or text you to ask for your PIN or card number. Be cautious when you receive these requests and do not share your personal information.
Additional information:
For additional information, please call the Public Assistance Information System (PAIS) call center at 1-855-643-1643 and ask to speak to a live agent.