
DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker Announces Her Decision to Step Down

Government and Politics

February 10, 2025

On Feb 10th, the Democratic Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker announced she will be stepping down from her position pending the election of a new Chair. She has served as chairwoman since March 2015. She released the following statement:

"This month marks my tenth anniversary as Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Virginia, a journey that has been both an honor and a privilege. After our strong victories in Virginia this past November, I believe the time is right to pass the torch to a new leader who can continue to build on our successes and further strengthen our party.

When I first ran for chair in 2015, I made a commitment to create a sustainable infrastructure that would outlast any single election cycle. Over the past decade, we've achieved that vision - building a larger, more robust full-time staff, strengthening local committees, and establishing year-round programs focused on voter protection and training.

As I step down, I do so with pride and confidence, knowing that our party is in capable hands. The solid foundation we've laid will ensure Virginia remains a beacon of Democratic strength for generations to come."

The Democratic Party of Virginia Steering Committee will meet on February 20 to adopt rules of procedure for an election to be held on March 22, 2025.