Schools and Libraries
May 30, 2023
New for June
Join us for our Summer Reading kick-off party on Wednesday, June 21 from 4-7pm on the library's front lawn! We'll have games, music, book sales, and signup sheets. You can also head inside to the main desk to get a card if you don'thave one yet.
Exciting news: we have a new digital collection! Find comics, graphic novels, andmanga in the Comics Plus collection by visiting or downloading the Library Pass appand logging in with your library card number and PIN. Then start reading rightaway - with no wait lists!
NEW!! Books & Movies
Check out this month's new arrivals! Subscribe to Wowbrary to get lists of newbooks and movies each week - just enter your email address on the New Arrivalspage.
Author Alerts
Did you know you can get notified when a favorite author has a new book comingout? Sign up for author alerts and never miss a new title!
Closed on Saturdays
We've now begun our summer hours, which means the library is closed onSaturdays through Labor Day. If you need weekend reading or a museum pass,please come in during the week. We are open 8:30am-8:30pm Mon-Weds and8:30am-4:30pm Th-Fri.
Important Dates
Late Opening - Thursday, June 8. Library will open at 1:00 pm.
Meeting of the Board of Library Trustees - Wednesday, June 14, at 4:00 pm in
the Director's Office on the 2nd floor. Open Meeting
Juneteenth - Monday, June 19, Library will be Closed.
Upcoming Adult Programs
Thursdays at 2:00-4:00pm
We meet in the Fireplace Room.
We're not just knitters! Join us whether you knit, crochet, or do another form ofneedlework. All skill levels welcome. No need to register. Drop-ins Welcome.
Monday Evening Adult Craft or Take Home Kits: Folded Book Chicken
Join us to create this funky little chicken! All materials provided.
Register HERE for the craft class. Monday, June 5. Space is limited.Registration is now open.
Register HERE for the take home craft kit. Registration opens on June 1st.Craft kits are limited to one per household.
Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia (In Person and Virtual)
TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 6:00—7:30 PM
Learn basic information on the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia,stages, risk factors, research and FDA-approved treatments. Presented by NicoleMcGurin, MS, CDP (she, her, hers), Programs & Services Director for theAlzheimer's Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter.
Offered in partnership with the Dracut Council on Aging and Dracut Police
Department. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Please register if you would like the Zoom link to attend remotely.
VIRTUAL - Non-Fiction Book Club - Fen, Bog, & Swamp by Annie Proulx
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 6:30—7:30 PM
VIRTUAL PROGRAM - Nonfiction book group meets on the 1st Wednesday of themonth, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a virtual program via zoom. Please emailSean Thibodeau ([email protected]) for log-in information.
At our 2023 June meeting we will be discussing Fen, Bog & Swamp: A ShortHistory of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis by Annie Proulx.Copies of the title to be discussed will be available at the Circulation Desk amonth prior to each meeting. New members are always welcome.
Fiction book group - virtual and in person
MONDAY, JUNE 12, 6:30—7:30 PM
Join us for a new fiction book group with the option to meet in person or overZoom! Tonight we'll be discussing Circe by Madeline Miller. No registrationrequired if attending in person, but please register if you need the Zoom link.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Registration opens Thursday, June 1 9:00 AM.
An Evening of Jazz
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 6:30—7:30 PM
Join us for a very special evening of jazz! Alex Minasian is a NYC-based jazzpianist who is headlining with his trio throughout New England, including theBurlington Jazz Fest last summer and a recently sold out show at Scullers inBoston.
Alex has had the pleasure of being the pianist and musical director for two iconic,legendary jazz vocalists, Little Jimmy Scott and Mark Murphy. He has performedat jazz venues across the US --Dizzy's, The Blue Note in NYC, Yoshi's in SanFrancisco, and the House of Blues in Hollywood toname a few. He was also aprofessor at NYU, where he earned both his undergraduate and masters degreesin jazz performance and where hetaught jazz piano. This summer they have a 3night stand at Dizzy's at Jazz at Lincoln Center, and a performance in D.C at the
Jazz in the Gardens Concert series, plus a beautiful concert planned for us at the library!
No registration required.
Open Space Hike - East Richardson Preserve
THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 6:00—7:00 PM
Teens & Adults explore local open spaces by joining a guided tour with a memberof the OpenSpace Committee! Our second hike will be at East RichardsonPreserve at East Richardson Road. We will leave the trailhead by 6:05pm soplease consider arriving early. We also recommend taking measures to preventtick bites, such as wearing long pants and light-colored clothing, and maybe
using bug spray or other repellant.
Registration is recommended so we can notify you of any change in plans.
Meditation with Living My Dream Yoga
FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 3:00—4:00 PM
Dracut Health Department hosts Living My Dream Yoga
Participants will practice one of the following types of concentrative type ofmeditation which may include Mantra Meditation, Mudra Meditation, BreathMeditation, or a Metta Meditation. Class will begin with a settling-in practice withbreath work, followed by a few gentle stretches. The class will end with anintegration practice that may include silent journaling or a poetry reading.Registrants are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat, beach towel, blanket, orcushion to sit/lay on.
Registration is required for this event.
Personal Growth Book Club
TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 6:00—7:00 PM
A book club that will encourage the growth and development of each person byreading books that inspire a new mindset and new ideas to work on yourself andpromote a new, healthier lifestyle. The June discussion will feature The TwelveShifts: Your Superpowers for Creating an Invincible Life by Jamil Frazier.
The club will meet the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6pm-7pm.
No Registration Required
Wednesday Afternoon Book Group
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1:30—2:30 PM
This fiction and nonfiction book group meets on the last Wednesday of themonth, from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm in the Fireplace Room. New members are always welcome. Copies of the title to be discussed will be available at the Circulation Desk a month prior to each meeting.
This month, we are reading and discussing The Farm by Joanne Ramos.
Register HERE.
Open Space Hike - Yapp Farm
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 6:00—7:00 PM
Explore local open spaces by joining a guided tour with a member of theOpenSpace Committee! Our third hike will be at Yapp Farm on Marsh Hill Road. We will leave the trailhead by 6:05pm so please consider arriving early. We alsorecommend taking measures to prevent tick bites, such as wearing long pants and light-colored clothing, and maybe using bug spray or other repellant.
Registration is recommended so we can notify you of any change in plans.
Virtual: Nancy Horan in Conversation with Therese Fowler
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 7:00—8:00 PM
Join Nancy Horan and Therese Fowler as they discuss Nancy’s new book, TheHouse of Lincoln, which will be published June 6. Nancy Horan, author of themillion-copy New York Times bestseller Loving Frank, returns with her new bookThe House of Lincoln, a sweeping historical novel, which tells the story ofAbraham Lincoln's ascendance from rumpled lawyer to U.S. president to theGreat Emancipator through the eyes of young asylum-seeker who arrives inLincoln's home of Springfield from Madeira, Portugal.
Please REGISTER HERE to get the Zoom link.
News for Teens
Find Your Voice this summer at the Dracut Library! Teens and tweens enteringgrades 6 through 12 can join the 2023 Teen Summer Reading Challenge. Log thebooks you read throughout the summer for the chance to win prizes. Plus, wehave some cool crafts, contests, and events planned that can earn you extraentries into the prize raffles! You can pick up a paper log at the library starting atour Summer Reading Kickoff Party on Wednesday, 6/21, or track your reading andactivities online on Beanstack.
Meditation with Living My Dream Yoga
FRIDAY June 16, 3:00-4:00pm
Participants will practice one of the following types of concentrative type ofmeditation which may include Mantra Meditation (repetition of a specificphrase), Mudra Meditation (a particular shape of hands, fingers, arms), BreathMeditation, or a Metta (Loving Kindness) Meditation. Class will begin with asettling-in practice with breath work, followed by a few gentle stretches beforesettling into a comfortable seat (or in a lying down position if a yoga mat isbrought). Connolly will then offer a guided meditation followed by 8-10 minutes ofstillness. The class will end with an integration practice that may include silent journaling or a poetry reading. Registrants are encouraged to bring their own
yoga mat, beach towel, blanket, or cushion to sit/lay on.
Registration is required.
Red Cross babysitter training (ages 11-15)
THURSDAY, JUNE 29 at 9:00 AM—4:30 PM
The American Red Cross is providing guidance to instructors and organizationswho are allowed to offer social distancing courses according to state and local regulations. Babysitters Training provides youth who are planning to babysit withthe knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care forchildren and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership
skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business keep themselves and otherssafe and help children behave; and learn about basic child careand basic firstaid. The recommended age for this course is 11-15 years old. Limited to tenparticipants. Participants should bring water and a lunch for themselves.
Please call the Recreation Department at 978-458-4478 to register. The cost is$110 per attendee.
This program is offered in partnership with the Recreation Department and issponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Upcoming Children's Programs
Bubble Day!
THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1:00—3:00 PM
Families of kids 0-8, join us for some bubble fun! We will have bubble activitieson the lawn in front of the library.
Registration is appreciated!
FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 9, and 16, 9:00—10:00 AM
Come and join us for STEM-Group! Every week we will explore a new STEM topicfor Early Learners. Our activities are focused on kids from ages 3-5, but everyone from age 0-8 years old is welcome to attend with their Caregiver. STEM Skills areall heavily based in Literacy skills and our activities touch upon fine motor development, gross motor development, literacy development, languagedevelopment, social emotional skills and much more.
The Family Resource Network is funded by the Coordinated Family andCommunity Engagement Grant (CFCE) from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.
Register here for June 2, 2023.
Register here for June 9,2023.
Register here for June 16, 2023.
Salt Painting
MONDAY, JUNE 5, 4:30—5:30 PM
Kids in grades K-5, join us to make some art using salt! We'll create ourmasterpieces using salt, then add watercolor paint to finish the design!
Registration is required and spots are limited.
Reader's Theatre AUDITIONS
MONDAY, JUNE 56:00—8:00 PM
Reader's Theatre is back for summer 2023!! This year, kids ages 6-12 will put ona play version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Rehearsals will be on Thursdays from 6:15-7:15 pm and our one-night-onlyperformance will be on August 24th @6pm. Kids will learn different actingexercises, theater terminology, as well as what it takes to perform in a play! Wehope to see you there!
Disclaimer: Any child who auditions will be cast. Parents will be sent an email bythe end of the week in order to confirm whether their child accepts their role onot. If we have not received a reply by the requested date, we will have toassume that your child no longer wants to be involved.
Email [email protected] with any questions!
Family Singalong with James Lepler
TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2:00—2:30 PM
Join musician James Lepler for an interactive performance for children aged 0-6and their caregivers. Sing and dance along to a high energy mix of original and traditional songs!
Registration required and spots are limited.
Read to a Dog: Talia
TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 4:00—4:15 PM
Introducing... Talia! Talia is a therapy dog registered with Therapy Dogs International (TDI) and she is so excited to be volunteering at the Dracut library!
Students ages 5 and older who are working on their reading skills can book a 15-minute time slot and read out loud to Talia!
Please, only one 15-minute slot per child per month. We want to make sure Taliagets to practice with as many kiddos as possible.
Bedtime Storytime
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 6:00—6:30 PM
Join Miss Megan for a storytime all about bedtime, at bedtime! We will readbedtime books, sing some songs, and do a small craft. Pajamas are encouraged!This storytime will be geared for ages 2-7, but older and younger kiddos are more than welcome to join us.
Please register so we know how many people to prepare for!
Storytime with Dad
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 6:00—7:00 PM
Dads, grandpas, uncles and father-figures can join us with their kiddos for thisspecial storytime!
Ages 3 and up.
Registration is required and spots are limited.
MaryBeth Maes Music
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 8:30 AM—1:00 PM
Music, movement and more with MaryBeth Maes - sing, dance, and learn! Shewill play some old favorites and originals, and will have scarves, shaky eggs, and more on hand to keep the fun rolling.
Recommended for kids ages 0-6 and their families.
Registration is required and spots are limited.
Picture Perfect Book Club: The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen
TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 6:00—7:00 PM
Join us for a family book club! For kids ages 3-8. During Picture Perfect BookClub, Miss Dominique will re-read the chosen book, ask questions and provide acraft or activity related to the story read. Before book club starts, when the bookis picked up, there will be different take-home questions for caregivers and your kiddos to talk about.
Registration is required as supplies and space are limited!
Read with Me Book Club: From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 6:00—7:00 PM
We are so excited to offer a family book club! Kids in grades 3-7 and their caregiver will read the same book, and we will meet on June 28th at 6 pm to discuss!
This month's book is From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks.
Registration is required and spots are limited. Children must attend with a
Red Cross babysitter training (ages 11-15)
THURSDAY, JUNE 29 at 9:00 AM—4:30 PM
The American Red Cross is providing guidance to instructors and organizationswho are allowed to offer social distancing courses according to state and localregulations. Babysitters Training provides youth who are planning to babysit withthe knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care forchildren and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadershipskills; learn how to develop a babysitting business keep themselves and otherssafe and help children behave; and learn about basic child care and basic firstaid. The recommended age for this course is 11-15 years old. Limited to tenparticipants. Participants should bring water and a lunch for themselves.
Please call the Recreation Department at 978-458-4478 to register. The cost is
$110 per attendee.
This program is offered in partnership with the Recreation Department and is
sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Click the Register text at the bottom of each program photo to sign up!
Click Here for More Information