
Eagle Bluff is Part of Outdoor School For All Coalition

Clubs and Organizations

May 27, 2023

From: Lanesboro Chamber of Commerce


ST. PAUL, MINN. – Wednesday, May 24, 2023 – Multiple bills that would give every Minnesota student the opportunity to connect with nature by attending an accredited overnight outdoor school were introduced during the 2023 Legislative Session and received bipartisan report.

House bill 3321 was chief authored by DFL Rep. Kristi Pursell along with 34 co-authors, 30 DFL and four GOP. Senate bill 3347 was chief authored by DFL Sen. Grant Hauschild along with four co-authors, one DFL and three GOP. Senate bill 3355 was chief authored by GOP Sen. Jeremy Miller along with four co-authors, one DFL and three GOP. A GOP-authored House bill is expected to be introduced next session. The goal is for Outdoor School For All to be considered as part of the May 2024 Supplemental Budget Session.

Minnesota Outdoor School For All would fully fund a three-day, two-night immersive nature experience for every fourth through eighth grade student. This would include all programming, transportation and ancillary costs such as teacher stipends, making these trips entirely free to students and schools.

"I’ve seen first-hand the benefits these programs provide to youth,” said Rep. Pursell. “We can follow the examples set by other states but make sure it reflects our state’s culture as we create an Outdoor School For All program so that each Minnesota youth is given the opportunity to experience our great outdoors and understand their important place in it.”

Pursell has deep experience with Outdoor School. She was a Graduate Naturalist from 2005 to 2007 at Wolf Ridge ELC on the North Shore, and taught in Outdoor Schools in Oregon and Washington.

“We are thrilled by the initial response to this bill," said Colleen Foehrenbacher, executive director of Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro. “It is incredible to see bipartisan support. While other legislative matters may be debated, it’s clear that assuring our future generations maintain our Minnesota outdoor ethic is not a partisan issue.”

Minnesota Outdoor School For All is part of a nationwide movement. Similar legislation has already been enacted with broad bipartisan support in Oregon and Washington. A bill in Maine is expected to pass this session.

The legislation is being championed by Outdoor School For All Minnesota – a coalition of the state's five accredited, overnight Outdoor School providers. This coalition consists of Deep Portage Learning Center in Hackensack, Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro, Long Lake Conservation Center in Palisade, Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center in Sandstone and Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland.

Over the course of the next year, the coalition will spread the message to the public, schools and other organizations that have vested interests in Outdoor Education and Minnesota students.