Arts and Entertainment
October 28, 2023
From: Fall FestivalThe 38th Annual Fall Festival aims to be a positive, motivational experience for students of all ages and
levels. As many music auditions and competitions are held in the spring, the festival encourages musical
preparation during the fall semester by providing a performance goal. We hope you'll participate in this
exciting music-making event.
1. Eligibility
- Any local teacher may enter students (of all ages and levels) in this event. All participating teachers
are expected to work the day of the event. For voice/string students, teachers may accompany their
- Masks are optional; auditions are 'in-person'.
2. Repertoire
- Kindergarten-Adult: Students must play any two solos. The pieces must contrast in some way. Chosen
piece must be played in its entirety (ex.— “Fur Elise” if original score, student must play the entire
work). Lesson book pieces are allowed; legally purchased downloaded music is acceptable provided
there is a written receipt for the purchase. Handmade transcriptions are NOT permitted as it is a
violation of US Copyright Law (see MTNA:
- Arrangements and transcriptions are allowed. Students must learn from an original, published score.
- Memorization is required (except for adults, duets).
- Duets, adults, and other instruments are welcome to participate. Keep in mind, the duet category refers
to two 'students', not student/teacher.
- All performers must bring an original score for the adjudicator, with each measure numbered.
- Students may play one or more movements from a multi-movement work (providing they stay within
an 8-minute audition time).
- Music that is too difficult can result in technical insecurity and a lack of stylistic understanding and will
not contribute to a positive learning experience in the performance. This is a 'festival', not a
'competition'. Teachers are reminded to select repertoire that your student can successfully master
by audition day.
- Each entrant will be allowed 8 minutes. When performing longer pieces, students should NOT TAKE
- Appropriate performance attire is required.
- Auditions are closed. Only the judge and the entrant are allowed in the room.
- Judges will only be required to give written comments. All comment sheets will be presented to
students after their audition. Decisions of the adjudicators are final and to be accepted with good
sportsmanship. Parents AND Teachers are asked to be patient when waiting for results.
- The honors recital will be held at the end of the day in the NFAC building (exact time to be announced).
The Honors Recital is open to the public. All students who earn the top rating will perform one piece in
the honors recital.
- Due to the nature of the festival, time requests cannot be honored. Auditions will be scheduled
between 9-12 noon.
- Applications will be available on the SPAMTA website beginning September 5th. Entry deadline is
October 20th.
- No changes will be made after the entry deadline.
- TEACHERS are to mail (or drop off) ONE check for all fees payable to SPAMTA by October 20th to:
Heather Wagners studio at Heid Music or mail to Heather Wagner 441 West St N Stevens Point, WI
- Application deadline: October 20, 2023
- $25.00 per solo, duet. Fee(s) for each event entered (solo, duet) should be paid TO THE TEACHER,
who will submit all applications together with one check covering the entry fees of each student.
- Students may enter in more than one category (i.e, piano solo, piano duet, voice solo, etc.)—but each
event entered is $25.00.
Date: November 4, 2023
Time: 7:00am to 2:00pm
Cost: $25
Noel Fine Arts Center, UW-Stevens Point - 1800 Portage St Stevens Point, WI 54481
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