Government and Politics
December 20, 2022
From: Texas Governor Greg AbbottGovernor Abbott Lights Shamash At Menorah Lighting Ceremony In Austin
Governor Greg Abbott today celebrated Hanukkah with leaders of the Jewish community at the State Capitol Menorah Lighting Ceremony in Austin. During the ceremony attended by over 50 people, the Governor lit the shamash (servant candle) of the Menorah and reflected on the significance of Hanukkah for the Jewish community.
"During Hanukkah, we celebrate and reflect on the strength and resilience of the Jewish people," said Governor Abbott. "Hanukkah provides a lesson in the importance of faith and perseverance in the face of adversity and is a reminder to let our own light shine even in times of darkness. Cecilia and I wish the Jewish community in Texas and around the world a very Happy Hanukkah."
After the Menorah lighting, Governor Abbott passed out gelt (Hanukkah chocolate coins) to children who attended the ceremony.