
Governor Gianforte Statement on the 76th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding

Government and Politics

May 14, 2024

From: Montana Governor Greg Gianforte

HELENA, MT – Governor Greg Gianforte on May 14th, issued the following statement to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the founding of Israel:

“On this day, we celebrate the 76th anniversary of the founding of Israel. In doing so, we commemorate the resilience of Israelis and Jewish people across the globe. From the nightmare of the Holocaust to the barbaric Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7, the Jewish community has repeatedly faced evil in its most sinister forms. This most recent deadly and horrific terrorist attack unleashed by violent extremists is a reminder of the constant threat Israel has faced since its founding.

“In Montana, we recognize Israel as a force for good and honor the relationship between our countries as one of strategic importance and stability in one of the world’s most volatile regions. That’s why I join in the call to President Biden to release his hold on critical military assistance for Israel. Any further delay harms this important alliance and is nothing more than a gift to the brutal Hamas terrorists who attacked, raped, and murdered innocent Israelis on October 7th, and who refuse to release hostages, including American citizens.

“Susan and I continue to pray for the release of the hostages and stand in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people and against the unspeakable persecution, hatred, and terrorism they have faced throughout history. Montana stands with Israel.”

In the days after the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, Gov. Gianforte ordered all flags flown in the State of Montana to fly at half-staff in memory of the innocent lives lost at the hands of terrorists. In solidarity with Israel and Jewish people throughout the world, he attended a vigil at the Chabad Lubavitch Center of Jewish Life and Learning in Bozeman.