Government and Politics
March 19, 2025
From: Wyoming Governor Mark GordonGovernor Mark Gordon signed 10 bills on Wednesday, March 19. The Governor signed the following bills into law:
Enrolled Act Bill # Bill Title
HEA0069 HB0062 Prostitution amendments.
HEA0074 HB0164 Medical prescriptions-off-label purposes.
HEA0077 HB0137 Revisor's bill.
SEA0075 SF0165 Cancellation of registration notice-amendments.
SEA0078 SF0053 Trademarks and trade names-administrative cancellation.
SEA0085 SF0104 Probate code revisions.
SEA0086 SF0167 Board of chiropractic examiners-criminal history records.
SEA0087 SF0107 Noncompete agreements prohibited.
SEA0088 SF0101 Post-conviction DNA testing-procedure amendments.
SEA0089 SF0171 Boundary survey amendments.