Government and Politics
February 24, 2025
From: Wyoming Governor Mark GordonGovernor Mark Gordon signed the first bills of the 2025 Legislative session at the Capitol on Feb 24, 2025.
The first bill to be signed by the Governor was Senate File 20, Oil and gas bonding-options and bonding pools, a bill that provides important support for producers in Wyoming’s core oil and gas industry. Sponsored by the Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development committee, the bill benefits Wyoming’s energy industry and provides additional support for small oil and gas operators. The bill was developed in response to excessive bonding requirements implemented during the Biden administration that would have been devastating to many Wyoming oil and gas producers. The bill establishes an account to allow small operators to cover the costs of bonding and eventually the costs of plugging dry or abandoned wells.
“Wyoming has always had a leadership position on these issues,” Governor Gordon said, thanking industry partners and the Legislature for working on the issue. “This is a wonderful bill.”
The Governor also signed House Bill 75 - coal severance tax rate. The bill reduces the coal severance tax rate from 6.5 to 6 percent, bringing it in line with oil and gas severance tax rates. Also signed on Feb 24th, was House Bill 54 - Chancery court judges-district and circuit court assistance, which can help address heavy caseloads in Wyoming’s District and Circuit courts by allowing Wyoming’s Chancery Court judge to hear cases in those courts.
The Governor signed the following bills on Feb 24, 2025:
Enrolled Act Bill # Bill Title
HEA0001 HB0025 Vehicle accident reporting-amendments.
HEA0002 HB0027 Disabled parking windshield placards-revisions.
HEA0003 HB0092 Wyoming livestock board-memorandums of understanding.
HEA0004 HB0014 Solid waste municipal cease and transfer funding.
HEA0005 HB0022 Water and wastewater operator-emergency response.
HEA0006 HB0030 Driver's licenses and IDs-revisions.
HEA0007 HB0041 Environmental quality-irrevocable letters of credit.
HEA0008 HB0061 State land lease preference amendments.
HEA0009 HB0069 Foreign adversary ownership or control of business entities.
HEA0010 HB0073 Recreation safety-rock climbing.
HEA0011 HB0075 Coal severance tax rate.
HEA0012 HB0082 Provider enrollment-standards.
HEA0013 HB0004 Snowmobile registration and user fees.
HEA0014 HB0023 Surrender driver's license-repeal.
HEA0015 HB0045 Removing otters as protected animals.
HEA0016 HB0054 Chancery court judges-district and circuit court assistance.
HEA0017 HB0086 Public property and buildings-amendments.
HEA0018 HB0166 State auditor payment transparency.
HEA0019 HB0214 Local government payments-electronic payments.
HEA0020 HB0040 Sales and use tax revisions.
HEA0021 HB0017 Career technical education equipment grants amendments.
HEA0022 HB0132 Annual permits for specified commercial loads.
HEJR0001 HJ0001 Amending Wyoming's act of admission for earnings.
HEA0023 HB0038 Ad valorem taxation-payment and credit of penalties.
SEA0001 SF0015 Oil and gas conservation commission-regulation of pits.
SEA0002 SF0016 Industrial siting-tribal notification.
SEA0003 SF0020 Oil and gas bonding-options and bonding pools.
SEA0004 SF0023 Handicap placards-health care providers' approval.
SEA0005 SF0025 Electronic lien and title system.
SEA0006 SF0149 Wildlife conservation license plates-amendments.
SEA0007 SF0042 Resort hotel liquor licenses.
SEA0008 SF0049 Tangible personal property-index and depreciation.
SEA0009 SF0013 Reading assessment and intervention amendments.
SEA0010 SF0078 Distribution of unsolicited absentee ballot request forms.
SEA0011 SF0080 Abandonment of water rights-limitations.
SEA0012 SF0131 Charter school leasing.
SEA0014 SF0073 Charter school funding-amendments.
SEA0015 SF0081 Tax exemption-property owned by the state.
SEA0017 SF0088 2025 large project funding.
SEA0018 SF0063 State lands-fencing-2.
SEA0019 SF0048 Business property exemption.
SJ0001 SJ0003 Commemorating Nellie Tayloe Ross.
The Governor allowed the following bills to go into law without his signature:
SEA0013 SF0096 Wyoming Gold Act
SEA0016 SF0120 Wyoming PRIME act.
SEA0020 SF0006 Residential property-removal of unlawful occupant.