Government and Politics
January 22, 2025
From: Massachusetts Governor Maura HealeyBalanced and responsible spending plan proposes transformative investments in transportation and higher education, advances Gateway to Pre-K agenda and continues to make Massachusetts more affordable and competitive
Boston - Balanced and responsible spending plan proposes transformative investments in transportation and higher education, advances Gateway to Pre-K agenda and continues to make Massachusetts more affordable and competitive; 2.6 percent budget growth is under rate of inflation; Governor also filed a Fair Share supplemental budget to spend surplus Fiscal Year 2024 surtax revenue
BOSTON - The Healey-Driscoll Administration today filed its Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) budget recommendation, a $59.6 billion plan, in addition to $1.95 billion in surtax spending, that would stabilize the MBTA, enable critical investments in transportation and higher education infrastructure, and responsibly control spending in ways that protect key services, make Massachusetts more affordable and improve quality of life.
“Our Fiscal Year 2026 budget proposal is a balanced, forward-looking blueprint that meets the needs of our residents and businesses while also taking care of their tax dollars. We’re making historic investments in the infrastructure that our quality of life and economy depend on – stabilizing the MBTA, fixing our roads, bridges and regional transit, and modernizing college campuses, all while creating good jobs,” said Governor Maura Healey. “This budget also prioritizes affordability and economic development – continuing the progress we have made in child care, college affordability, tax cuts, housing, veterans services and more. We are able to build on this progress while controlling our spending and tightening our belts, just as families and businesses are doing across our state.”
“I hear from residents, business and local officials on a daily basis about the challenges they face. I’m proud of the way that this budget responds to those needs, while also making sure Massachusetts can sustainably support the programs and services on which everyone in Massachusetts relies,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “We’re fully funding the Student Opportunity Act to make sure our K-12 schools have equitable access to the resources their students and educators need, growing local aid, boosting Chapter 90 funding to improve roads and bridges and creatively investing in our infrastructure.”
This budget, filed as House 1, fully funds the fifth year of the Student Opportunity Act, increases Unrestricted General Government Aid by 2.2 percent and uses an innovative strategy to maximize robust Fair Share revenues to stabilize the MBTA, boost Chapter 90 funding to $300 million per year for the next five years and invest billions in our transportation system and higher education campuses.
With $59.6 billion in non-surtax spending, House 1 limits growth in the budget to 2.6 percent, which is under the current rate of inflation, to responsibly control growth and appropriately align spending with modest revenue growth. At the same time, the budget proposes $1.95 billion in spending supported by the voter-approved Fair Share surtax to support transformative investments in education and transportation.
The House 1 Fair Share investments are augmented by a supplemental budget to spend $1.3 billion in FY24 surplus surtax revenue to increase investment across the transportation and education systems, helping to maintain commitments to the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) program, universal school meals, free community college and fare-free regional transit.
The combined investments will keep Massachusetts on track for universal Pre-K access in Gateway Cities by the end of 2026 and continue to support the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s Literacy Launch initiative, a transformative plan to improve early literacy education and ensure students receive the highest quality, evidence-based reading instruction available.
House 1 dedicates $765 million in Fair Share revenue to the Commonwealth Transportation Fund (CTF) to leverage $5 billion in borrowing over the next 10 years for capital, while also making impactful investments in annual operations. These funds will be appropriated to support transportation investments including $500 million to stabilizing the MBTA’s operations, more than doubling support from last year. It also maintains key initiatives such as the Income-Eligible Fare Relief program, the MBTA Academy, grants to support fare-free programs at Regional Transit Authorities and RTA connectivity.
The borrowing unlocked by utilizing the CTF, along with surplus Fair Share and other resources, will enable the state to invest $8 billion in transportation over the next 10 years, including $1.5 billion ($300 million per year) over five years for Ch. 90 reform, $1.5 billion for road and bridge repair, and $850 million for the MBTA to support maintenance facilities modernization and power system resilience.
House 1 and the supplemental budget also invest $475 million in Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) program, supports universal school meals, continues the MassEducate program to provide no-cost community college and expands the Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative (CPPI) to continue to implement universal Pre-K in Gateway Cities. An investment of $125 million in Fair Share resources for higher education capital will also support $2.5 billion in borrowing over the next 10 years to address the significant backlog of deferred maintenance and modernization needs on our UMass, state university and community college campuses. This recurring investment would support the higher education bond bill, the BRIGHT Act, filed yesterday by the administration.
House 1 Overview
House 1 proposes $59.6 billion in gross spending, a 2.6 percent increase over current Fiscal Year 2025 spending estimates, excluding spending tied to the income surtax and Medical Assistance Trust Fund. This is consistent with the rate of inflation.
The budget relies on the FY26 consensus tax revenue agreement of $43.614 billion, including $2.4 billion in collections from the 4 percent income surtax, with a spending cap agreed to with the Legislature of $1.95 billion. Total non-surtax revenue growth represents 2.2 percent, or $907 million, over FY25 benchmarks.
In light of modest tax revenue growth, the House 1 recommendation utilizes a thoughtful combination of recurring and one-time funding sources to ensure a responsibly balanced budget. Importantly, this budget does not utilize any funding from the Stabilization Fund, which is estimated to grow to a record high of $8.333 billion after House 1 makes $133 million in transfers from excess capital gains. The consensus revenue estimate assumes $2.33 billion of capital gains tax revenue of which $666 million will be statutorily transferred to support long-term liabilities, such as the Stabilization Fund, pension costs and retiree health insurance expenses.
The budget recommendation maintains the state’s commitment to fully fund its pension liability by 2036 with $4.933 billion in FY26, a $433 million increase over the Fiscal Year 2025 contribution. In order to maximize our available resources, House 1 recommends using a greater portion of excess capital gains for our pension and OPEB contributions than traditionally used, which has the benefit of freeing up space on the budget for other critical programs. Projected sales tax revenues will enable a $1.426 billion transfer to support the operations of the MBTA and $1.265 billion will be transferred to the Massachusetts School Building Authority to support school construction across the state. The budget also commits $27 million for the Workforce Training Fund to support the state’s workforce, competitiveness, and serve as an engine for growth. These pre-budget transfers of tax revenue total $8.317 billion, leaving $32.897 billion in net tax revenue available for spending, an increase of $414 million.
Accounting for more than 21 percent in spending growth over the past years and modest anticipated revenue growth, Governor Healey’s budget takes steps to address the mismatch between spending and revenue, while maintaining key investments and putting the state on a path of sustainability. The budget accomplishes this goal by utilizing additional excess capital gains for long-term pension and other post-employment benefit liabilities, reallocating unspent ARPA funding, program savings and targeted revenue generation.
House 1 also anticipates generating $60 million by targeting excessive drug prices with a penalty on manufacturers when the price of a drug exceeds inflation, which will protect consumers. In addition, the administration proposes meaningful savings proposals, focused on mitigating direct impacts on services for our most vulnerable populations, to remain good fiscal stewards for our residents.
“Our ability to meet the demands on our budget for health care, education and other services requires the state to responsibly and creatively invest limited resources in ways that maximize impact for residents. This budget responsibly controls spending and limits growths without jeopardizing the progress and impact we’ve been able to make over the past year working to make our education systems, tax code and housing more affordable for the people of Massachusetts,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Matthew J. Gorzkowicz. “It also puts us on a path toward sustainability in the future while preserving the investments that will allow the Healey-Driscoll administration to deliver on its promise of a more affordable, competitive and equitable Massachusetts.”
Fair Share
The FY2026 budget is the third to include revenue from the new 4 percent surtax on income above $1 million that Massachusetts voters approved in November 2022.
House 1 recommends the following investments across the two priorities:
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The Fair Share supplemental builds on House 1 with the following proposed spending:
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Local Aid
The strength of Massachusetts’s 351 cities and towns is critical to the overall success of the state, and the Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to equipping our communities with the resources they need to thrive. In House 1, that commitment is reflected in the administration’s recommendation of over $9.205 billion for local aid, $480.7 million over FY25 GAA.
House 1 also ensures access to high-quality education for students across Massachusetts by fully funding the 5th-year implementation of the Student Opportunity Act (SOA), dedicating $7.322 billion to Chapter 70 education aid. This is a $420 million, (6.1 percent increase), over FY25. This funding provides a minimum per pupil aid rate of $75.
Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA) supports essential government services such as public safety and public works. House 1 recommends funding UGGA at $1.338 billion, aligned with consensus tax revenue growth and reflecting a $28.8 million, or 2.2 percent increase, over FY25.
House 1 also proposes to fully fund the Special Education Circuit Breaker at $682 million, with $532 million provided in House 1 and $150 million provided in the Fair Share supplemental budget. This funding level reflects full phase-in of out-of-district transportation cost reimbursement provided for in the SOA.
House 1 also maintains the administration’s commitment to supporting school transportation through programs such as regional school transportation-recommended at $116 million, representing a 95 percent reimbursement-and non-resident pupil transportation (vocational)-recommended at $6.2 million, representing full funding, and homeless student transportation-recommended at $28.8 million.
Finally, House 1 proposes using Fair Share surtax resources to expand capital capacity which will enable Chapter 90 funding to reach $300 million annually, a 50 percent increase over the traditional $200 million.
Early Education and Care
K-12 and Student Opportunity Act
Higher Education
Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs)
Economic Development
Climate and Environment
House 1 sustains record investments in climate and environmental programming, including $559.8 million for the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and a planned transfer to the new Disaster Relief and Resiliency Fund.
Labor and Workforce Development
Health and Human Services
MassHealth, the Commonwealth’s Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), provides coverage of health care and related critical services to over two million members, including over 45 percent of Massachusetts children and over 70 percent of Massachusetts residents living in nursing facilities.
In FY26, MassHealth will continue to ensure members’ access to high-quality services, while proposing several steps to address three key drivers of spending growth:
Combined, these factors have led to significant growth in the MassHealth program and the need to identify tools to manage spending in FY26. These tools include increased program integrity initiatives, administrative savings, and managing provider rates.
The House 1 budget recommendation would preserve access to medically necessary services and maintain and strengthen our commitment to universal coverage. By raising the asset limit for seniors on MassHealth for the first time in 35 years and growing primary care spending to 10 percent of total medical expenditures, House 1 would improve affordability as well.
Public Safety
Serving Our Veterans
Technology and Cybersecurity
House 1 further improves access to digital services while strengthening our cybersecurity posture through robust infrastructure and operational excellence.
To access the Governor’s filing letter, budget message, budget briefs, and specific account information click here.