Government and Politics
May 10, 2024
From: Kansas Governor Laura KellyTOPEKA - On May 10, 2024, Governor Laura Kelly announced 6 appointments to the following state board, council, committee, and commissions.
911 Coordinating Council
Purpose: To monitor the delivery of 911 services, develop strategies for future enhancements to the 911 system and distribute available grant funds to Public Safety Answering Points.
Governmental Ethics Commission
Purpose: To administer, interpret, and enforce the Campaign Finance Act and laws relating to conflict of interests, financial disclosures, and the regulation of lobbying.
State Library Board of Kansas
Purpose: To advocate for statewide library services and resources, provide recommendations to the state librarian on policies and management, approve annual plans of regional systems of cooperating libraries, promote collaboration with the state Board of Regents to ensure the inclusion of libraries on the KAN-ED network, and recommend statewide priorities for interlibrary cooperation.
Advisory Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Purpose: To consult with and advise the secretary of health and environment on matters relating to children with special health care needs.
Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee
Purpose: To oversee the implementation of reform measures intended to improve the state’s juvenile justice system.
State Holocaust Commission
Purpose: To assist in the organization of commemorations in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.