
Governor Mills Issues Statement Honoring Victims and Survivors on Six-Month Anniversary of Lewiston Shooting

Government and Politics

April 25, 2024

From: Maine Governor Janet Mills

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today on the six-month anniversary of the tragedy in Lewiston that claimed the lives of eighteen people and injured more than a dozen others: 

“Six months ago, the tightly woven fabric of Maine was torn apart by a horrific attack that robbed us of the lives of eighteen beloved people – our family, friends, and neighbors – leaving an immense hole in the heart of our state and in the hearts of their families and the survivors hurt by wounds both seen and unseen. 

“As we mark the six-month anniversary of this terrible tragedy, we reaffirm our love and support for Lewiston, for the victims and their families, and for this precious place we call home, and we recommit ourselves to embracing and valuing one another, as imperfect as we may be, as we search for happiness in the short, blessed time we have here. Our hearts are still healing, and the road to healing is long, but we will continue to walk it together.”